Ayon/Shotgrid (Flow) setup once and for all!

Hi Hi!

I keep trying to crack this nut on how to setup a project in Shotgrid and Ayon together.
I’m almost certain that there is some custom entity in our SG setup causing issues, but in order to find that, I need
to confirm exact steps to take. I didn’t see anything official in terms of project syncing outside of the forum posts: Replicating Shotgrid pipeline concepts in Ayon


which have plenty of information in them…but I seem to get lost in them pretty easily…so here goes
Lets go step by step (if anyone is able to add to this), and I’ll post each stage of the way, with the intention to create a video on this once I understand it completely.

Step 1: Project Creation

  • does the same project need to be in Ayon that I want to sync over from SG?
    Or do I just need to add the Ayon fields like: Ayon ID, ID, code, sg_code

  • without those updated is it possible to sync? OR do I need to create a project with the same name and add the ID number into the shotgrid project id in AYON?

Thanks for your feedback.

As far as I know, you can leave it for the addon. it’s capable of doing both.
which should help you avoid doing all these steps manual.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to test it on my side.

Could you let us know how much the docs help ?
There’s always a room of improvements.
I appreciate your help for making a step by step guide. however, I believe it’ll be much better if such a guide lived in the docs.
so, I encourage you to contribute to docs, and feel free to create a draft PR.

Thanks Mustafa, Sure I can totally add to it if needed.

I just found out that one of my biggest issues was that I was using a different version of my shotgrid services (leecher/processor/transmitter) than the shotgrid addon version. Making this one adjustment changed a lot of how this addon worked for me.