I’m researching the possibility of implementing Ayon at a studio I’m working at, and I need to find some “comforting familiarity” to our existing Shotgrid-based pipeline in order to improve the sales pitch.
I’ve been digging through menus and code to find answers, but some advice would be helpful, to see if I also understand Ayon right.
I realize this might be asking Ayon to replace Shotgrid, which may not be the point or priority at this time, but this type of data would be useful for automating artist workflows.
Making custom entities and linking them to other entities in custom attributes.
My first thought is that Ayon “folders” is the same as Shotgrid “entities”, in which you can create new ones as you wish through the anatomy preset. But “Tasks” are also an entity in Shotgrid terms, and tasks are not “folders”.
So my impression is that Shotgrid’s idea of linked entities do not exist in Ayon, and each system has its own logic, or is at least obscured to some degree. But if a Shotgrid sync addon is available, then the logic should also be compatible?
Example - If I wanted to create a custom entity, a data class with custom attributes, containing instructions of how to assemble a shot, and that entity to two or more shot-folders with similar shot designs.
Or if I wanted a custom “timelog” entity, containing information of how long time was spent on a particular publish, when and by who, and link it to a task.
How would one go about this? In broad terms.
Products linked by version
From what I understand, is that products are versioned independently from each other.
So if an artist publish 3 different products for a given task (workfile, reviewfile, image sequence), they all get versioned up equally. But if an artist publishes in the morning, but only a review file for feedback, and later publishes all 3 products, then the version-number will be out of sync between the products.
v003 of the workfile product would match v004 of a image sequence product.
Would it be possible to link / group the products to a specific version?
That way it is easy to know what products are related to each other, and if the review-file v004 is approved, then the work file and image sequence also gets approved.
Task-level status field
Is there a way to implement a status-field for tasks, and have them be visible as a column in Ayon interface?
Then one could implement an event script that would update the task-status to reflect the status of the latest published version, and update downstream tasks as ready to start.
Task Templates
When creating new shots, how can one easily make the same tasks available by default?