Publishing plates with Handle and start/end frame


We are working on VFX shots. When we receive the raw footage from the client, we output EXR files and publish them through the Tray Publisher as a Plate product.

The thing is that we have handles before and after so let’s suppose the shot is 45 frames long (from 1001 to 1045), in reality we have .exr from 991 to 1055.

This is the shot folder in AYON:


Publishing EXR files with handles works perfectly but in the loader, I see this:

Which is not correct, it should be 1001-1045 and 10-10 for the handles right?

Is it really important when importing the exr sequence in Nuke afterwards?


The Tray Publisher should have a toggle to “collect the frame range from the source sequence”. I believe if you disable that it then enforces the shot’s frame range (incl. the handles).

I’m not sure if it does any validations so it might actually also apply the full range if the sequence is of different length.


I have actually always wanted to make that an ENUM instead so that it could be labeled Frame Range* and have multiple methods like:

  • Use frame range from image sequence or media timecode
  • Use context entity frame range (folder or task)
  • Set explicit frame range values

The set explicit could then expose a start, end, handle start, handle end number attribute for you to manually set if needed.

I always figured that’d be way clearer because with this checkbox - if you were to disable that. Then what does it do? :slight_smile:

Feel free to create an issue on ayon-traypublisher to request that.



To make a followup on this.

I tried enabling/disabling the Collect Original Sequence Frame Data checkbox and this is what happens:

  • Enabled, publishing 991-1111 png sequence results in:


    → It takes the frame sequence full range without handles

  • Disabled, publishing 991-1111 png sequence results in:


    → It uses the shot handles and correct frame range (that’s what I wanted)

I’ll do a PR to implement the checkbox you described!

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Made an issue here: Better frame sequence handle workflow · Issue #39 · ynput/ayon-traypublisher · GitHub

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@BigRoy Seems like I can’t disable this option ayon+settings://traypublisher/publish/CollectFrameDataFromAssetEntity?project=<PROJECT> so that it’s disabled in the publisher. Can you confirm?

I can disable it in my studio or project settings.

Do you mean that you can’t disable it in the publisher UI?

Sorry it wasn’t clear, I can disable the parameter project wide but it doesn’t disable it when in the Publisher.

It makes sense, because the plugin doesn’t inherit the OptionalPyblishPluginMixin

The solution should be the same as show optional toggle if `optional` is enabled by MustafaJafar · Pull Request #8 · ynput/ayon-jira · GitHub

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@mustafa_jafar thanks for the link, however it doesn’t work

Sorry for the confusion, But you are showing settings for two different plugins.

  • ayon+settings://traypublisher/publish/CollectFrameDataFromAssetEntity is for the plugin CollectFrameDataFromAssetEntity

  • However, The Collect Original Sequence Frame Data is another plugin, CollectSequenceFrameData. and the settings of this one are not exposed in the addon settings.

Thanks for the hint, my bad!

How can it be exposed in the plugin settings?

Like this :wink:

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