Linux port of the Ayon Development Workbench

Hi :deer: friends!

not to steal from @mustafa_jafar 's Ayon Workbench thread AYON Development Workbench
pushing this into its separate topic.

What is this?

As the title suggest, this is the port of the windows .vscode version to make.

It will allow you to easily set up a development environment for Ayon on your linux machine. I have tried to port the setup as close as possible to the original setup for Windows with some slight modifications.
Make will clone all the necessary repos and set up the environment for you to start developing on Ayon. The setup will also clone all the addons and set up the environment for you to start developing on the addons.

Please feel free to explore it and break it, if you have time submit a PR or ping me here or on discord sso we can patch it.

Still WIP but mostly working. Will continue to work on it and update the missing / broken features.
Lot is already in, just its a lot to test and polish :slightly_smiling_face:
Beware, dont use this in prod, use it as your dev, it will break and it will mess you up :slightly_smiling_face:

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OMG This is so cool!

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