How should I fill in Applications value in Tools section

If i give it the same name as the hosts variant it does not work. The tool is not loading when launching this variant of a host

application settings tool settings

Let’s break the question into smaller questions,

Q1. Could we use the same variant names for applications and tools ?
Yes, absolutely,
In your example, Houdini variant name will be houdini/20-0 and the tool variant name will be hfs20.0/20-0.
These names will be generated from your settings by AYON Server.

Q2. How to make tools available for my project
This is done through the project editor.
Further insights can be found in Ayon Env Vars and Tools Configuration Explained

Q3. How to make applications available for my project
Although, the question was not asked, but I think it’s worth mentioning it.
This question should be covered in Applications disappeared from Launcher

For information there’s a WIP update for setting tools and applications. and, I’m going to update my comment here when it’s available.

Hello, Mustafa!

Unfortunately it does not answer my question.
I want to do the following:

I want the tool/variant be available only for a specific application/variant.

What is the correct way to do that?

Thank you
Warm regards,

Hey, Thanks for providing further info.
There are two approaches for your question.

1. Use Tool Groups

Currently, we set tool/variant per project and folder paths.

And, In the upcoming update, it remains the same but the setting will be moved to studio setting instead of folder path attributes.

2. Use application environment

I think you may prefer this one.

Basically, you’ll just define the needed environment variables for your tool inside the application variant environment.

Do i hear correctly that there is not way to connect tool/variant to a application/variant?
The only way is to define this tool directly in application/variant environment?

The most basic example:
Specific Sidefx labs version → Specific Houdini version

Tool variant has Hosts filtering and Applications filtering. So you can tell: “this tool is used only in this/these variant/s of application”.

As Mustafa explained above, you have to use full name of application, which is

  • {group name}/{variant name} → houdini/20-0

But even with that, you still have to enable the tool itself for the project, that is right now done in attributes of project anatomy (There is PR that tries to change that.). The tools attribute is also available on folders and tasks if you need more granular (e.g. per-task) tools filtering, for example because of licenses…

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Thank you! That worked