Applications disappeared from Launcher


I used the bootstrap setup for the shotgrid setup. Once that was complete I noticed that all my apps in the launcher disappeared. Prior to this they were enabled and I could launch them successfully.

Is there a “restore to factory” settings available on the server ?

Thank you,

As far as I tested, bootstrap gets addons, create new a new bundle and sets it as production. and it doesn’t affect your existing bundles or addons.

The fetched addons have the default settings and maybe you are using different settings that default.

So, Have you checked these ?

  • ayon+settings://applications/applications Applications settings especially application variants e.g. maya variant.
  • ayon+anatomy://{project-name}/attributes/applications Applications list in project anatomy.
application addon settings project applications list

Maybe @martin.wacker can tell us.

Users seem to run into this every now and then. So let’s get to solving it!

Step 1. Show all project’s applications

Let’s first disable the feature that hides all applications that you do not have on your machine.

Disable Show only available applications on the Studio Settings page (Shortcut to get there is S+S (press S twice))


Make sure to press “Save Changes” right hand side.

With this disabled, any application that does not exist on your machine (path not found) will still show in the launcher if configured for the project.

Now, let’s check the launcher with a task selected. (A task must be selected to show any applications because you can only launch applications in a task).

Oh boy - nothing!

Step 2. Configure the Project Anatomy > Attributes > Applications

The project’s Anatomy > Attributes > Applications defines which applications are available in the project.

The shortcut in the web frontend is A+A

Save it. Refresh the launcher. All good now? I hope so, because it worked for Desmond on discord here.

Step 3. Update your Anatomy Presets

You only updated that one project, but new projects (or other existing projects) will not have been updated. Note that you will need to manually update any other projects if those are also in need of updating applications, but for any future new projects you can create Anatomy Presets.

There is no quick shortcut, but I usually press S+S to get to studio settings and then click the Anatomy Presets section at the top bar.

ayon+anatomy://{project_name}/attributes/applications (this URI won’t work, see here)

Note: Updating a preset does not update existing project. The preset gets applied on creation to a project, but does not remain a live connection. So you will need to update existing projects like in Step 2).

Still no applications? Check the Launcher Logs (Console)

Didn’t see ANY applications even after fixing the configuration after Step 2) then maybe you have an unfortunate bug in a combination of launcher version with core and/or applications addon, etc. This may be harder to debug.

  1. Check for logged errors - include with your report - go to Tray Launcher > Admin Console for ANY logged errors.
  2. Note the addon versions in your Bundle - and provide that with your issue report!




Thanks for this great guide for sorting the launcher. Hopefully you don’t mind me jumping in after trying everything in this thread. I’ve been trying to launch nuke for testing Ayon and did successfully for a while, even different versions of nuke until today.

Seems I’m limited on number of screenshots so I’ve just included the nuke versions on my project application settings:

I’ve changed the applications (disabling “show only available applications”)

and the logs dont shot anything, only that my applications is on v0.2.5 and nuke is 0.2.3

Is there anything else I can try?


What changed in the meantime? Project settings, did you update certain addons?
It’s hard to figure out unfortunately with just the information provided.

The only remaining thing I can think of now is:

  • Are you running the launcher in Production, Staging or Dev?

Note that the variant you’re launching must have the applications set in their settings. Each variant has its own addon settings - hence, if say these applications lack in your particular bundle’s current settings it can’t display it for your running session even if it would be inside project anatomy.

If you’ve recently updated an addon - please double check your studio settings for applications, etc. and make sure you’ve copied over from previous bundle if needed. Recent AYON server versions (1.3.9+) make this a breeze but before that it was often easily missed that new addon versions did not share settings with the older versions so would essentially appear ‘reset to the defaults’.

Thanks for the help.
I’m running it in production only.

I had a look at the log and it looks like the applications addon was updated from 0.2.4 to 0.2.5. I’ve rolled it back now and it’s working again.

I’ve got a newer version of the applications addon available from the market but I’m getting a 401 error downloading it so possibly related to how our server is setup. I’ll raise a ticket if we can’t fix it.

For information,
Documentation for Applications and Tools 1.0.0 is live.