Blender Artist Doc does not explain how to use all product types

On Ayon’s doc for Blender (its link is provided below), some product types are described : Model, Rig, Layout.

But most of them are not explained : Action, Animation, Blender Scene, Camera, Point Cache, Render, Review.

Here are the main missing points in the documentation :

  • If you use some product type, you expect it will trigger something if you later Load that product in some other specific product type, so we need a full list of this in the documentation.

  • On which product type do you set shaders ?

  • Which product types can be imported into which ones, in order to trigger something useful ?

  • Is there a minimal list of product types to use, or in the contrary are there some mixes that are forbidden ?

I have created a doc issue, here : Blender Artist Doc does not explain how to use all product types · Issue #168 · ynput/ayon-documentation · GitHub

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Thanks for reporting :rocket:

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