πŸš€ AYON Server 1.6.1 - Market Release Bundles

:handbag: Market Release Bundles

You can now install the latest release bundles directly from the marketplace, streamlining your pipeline setup with ease.

Each release bundle includes addons, dependency packages, and desktop launchers, tested together, ensuring compatibility across tools tailored for different production tracking needs.

:package: Previous Release Bundles :zap:

The Community Edition provides access to the latest release bundle, while AYON subscribers can unlock all previous bundles.

This added functionality is part of our :zap: Power Features, created for studios who need advanced tools to enhance their workflows.

You may notice the :zap: icon start to appear next to these new advanced features.

We’re committed to keeping the Community Edition valuable and useful while rewarding our subscribers and ensuring the project’s sustainability.

:open_book: Resources

Documentation: AYON Market | AYON Docs
FE Changelog [CHANGE]: ynput/ayon-frontend
BE Changelog: ynput/ayon-backend

:robot: Try 1.6.1 Now

How to update AYON

:green_heart: Enjoy! Love, The Ynput Team :green_heart: