AYON Core addon 0.2.0 notes

AYON Core Addon

AYON-core is a successor to OpenPype repository.

you might already know that our ayon-core repo went public.
It’s another step towards the full transition from OpenPype to AYON.

Also, this guide has been update accordingly.

Dev Notes: Addon Zip Creation

ayon-core at this moment consist of multiple addons. They’ll be split into their repositories when this is finished as mentioned in OpenPype to AYON core addon conversion

For now, we have

Dev Notes: PR Migration

You would need to re-create your OP PRs in ayon-core repo as There’s a slight change in the folder structure.

  • OpenPype/openpype/hostsayon-core/clien/ayon_core/hosts (different, but git handles it.)
  • OpenPype/server_addonsayon-core/server_addons (same)

Also, Copying and pasting blindly won’t work because you might accidentality mess up with the imports (maybe other things too!)

  • from openpype.hosts.houdini.api import pluginfrom ayon_core.hosts.houdini.api import plugin

So, [adding OP as remote to ayon-core, fetching your branch then merging/cherry picking] might not work outside of the box.

PR Migration Step by step

git remote add OpenPype https://github.com/ynput/OpenPype.git       
git fetch OpenPype <my-branch>    
git checkout -b <my-branch> 
git merge OpenPype/<my-branch> 

Note that it might not work out of the box and you may need to update the imports in your file.