Workfile Notes

Seems like a dumb question, but when saving a workfile, and you add a note in the Artists notes section, where does that get saved to? I can’t find it in the docs. Currently if i type something in the notes section, it saves , and will appear in the notes section sporadically. I can’t figure out why it works sometimes, and others doesn’t. If i save w/ a note and later, maya crashes, it seems to lose the note.

Anyone have some experience w/ this? Having consistent notes in the workfile prevents needing to add crazy sub version notes :smile:

What version of ayon-core are you on? You may be suffering from a bug that was there - quite some while ago though.

It should basically save it ON the workfile you saved it on.

I believe it was this issue which would be in ayon-core 0.4.0+.

That’s gotta be it. The job i’m having the issues in was using core v 0.3.1. I’ll update and see if that fixes it.
