Where to add info from shoot

Hi all,

Im wondering if there is meaningful place where for instance comping or tracking task some information from the shoot can be entered before work on actual task is started. Like camera lens information, maybe height…light situation…few notes that could actually help on initial task start.
Is there place or procedure I could use to enter such information?
Comment section feels limited or maybe Im wrong.

Thank you,

As far as I can tell, You are referring to the type of technical details you have in a sheet after production for everyone to reference with overall data of the shots.

I believe you could add custom attributes so they turn into custom columns in the spreadsheet.

My attributes tab.

Entity attributes in a project on my end.


Yes! Thanks thats it!
There is no way to add images with notes?
Or attach small pdf file would work even better.

Thanks a bunch,


@kristijanm Adding images/PDF can’t be added to attributes in columns, no.

However, you can attach those to comments on the folder or tasks quite easily.

In the project browser, right hand side you can add comments, even tag users and also drag ‘n’ drop or attach attachments. These attachments can be images, PDFs, text files, etc.

In this case, that may suit you more.

You could e.g. also attach a comment to e.g. the parent folder (if you have e.g. a PDF for the full sequence of shots from a VFX supe). You may need to tag the individual users for which it is relevant or communicate in production for now that those files live there in the comments then - since I’m note entirely sure how visible that would be.

Using comments, others will also get notified about new messages and can add themselves as “watchers” to be notified of new messages even if they are not assigned or specifically mentioned/tagged.

Maybe @milan or @Innders may have nicer ideas from a production tracking / frontend perspective.

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I agree with @BigRoy that attaching the files in the activity feed would be the best place. We call it the “activity” feed because it’s more than just comments.