Way to look up latest versions of addons in latest Ayon update

Hi guys,

I’m not sure if there is a way to find this information currently. It would be awesome, to have a way to look up what the latest version of all the addons are in the latest ayon update. I find myself waiting for a specific addon update and not knowing, if it is bundled in with the latest version of Ayon. Then my only option is updating to check. Knowing what updates are coming, would make it easier to assess if it is worth updating now or better to wait for a more convenient time production wise.

If you have a running AYON server connected to Ynput cloud you should be able to see the Addon Marketplace and get an idea of recent updates.

There are open issues/tickets to get changelogs in there so it’s clearer what changes an update brings.

You mention wanting to see “what’s coming?” - in what way would you like to see that and what are your expectations there?

  • An ETA of a new release? This will be very hard because sometimes there will be hotfix patches and other times larger refactoring going on which may push releases back a bit.
  • The current ongoing development of a particular addon and what’s being worked on? Usually the Github issues or Pull Requests for the addon is your best bet for that.

Or did you just mean to have access to Changelogs - if so, this is the open issue for that.

On discord you asked:

Hey, is there some way I can look up what version is ready to be installed via the bootstrap method?
To be more specific, I’m interested in the newer version of the kitsu addon. But that requires an update to the ayon core as I understand. But as I have been adviced to stick with the bootstrap method to begin with, I’m wondering how I know when the necessary addons are released for bootstrap update.

So is your question here maybe more related to bootstrapping instead of addons from the marketplace? Or?

Just saw that @Innders created this issue which I think relates to your question.

Personally, I thought the question was about showing the versions of addons that will be included in the bootstrap.

Some information


Bootstrap doesn’t provide the most recent available versions of the addons.

Addon Market

Addon market can provide more info about the recent versions of the addons.
Feel free to ask for more info to be shown. if these info are not sufficient.

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Just saw that @Innders created this issue which I think covers exactly that.

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I’m sorry for the confusion, I don’t completely understanding the structure of Ayon. My assumption is and I might be wrong. Ayon-Core 0.3.0 was not available to me before updating the ayon server instance to 1.1.0. If that is not true, and I could just have installed Ayon-Core 0.3.0 through the addon market on an older version of the ayon server. Then I just need to pay better attention to the addon market. And this idea is unnecessary.

If Ayon-Core 0.3.0 required me updating my ayon server instance, to 1.1.0. Then I would have liked to know, that the Ayon 1.1.0 update, came with Ayon-Core 0.3.0 and what other addon updates that makes available. In my case, I was waiting for Ayon-Kitsu 1.2.1, which to my understanding required Ayon-Core 0.3.0.

  • An ETA of a new release? This will be very hard because sometimes there will be hotfix patches and other times larger refactoring going on which may push releases back a bit.

I’m not expecting an ETA, I understand this would be difficult.

  • The current ongoing development of a particular addon and what’s being worked on? Usually the Github issues or Pull Requests for the addon is your best bet for that.

The github issues and pull requests are super helpful. And is a great representation of what is being worked on.

In essence, the information I would like to have available is: if I update my ayon server instance to the latest released version. What is the highest version of each addon that will be available to me, without downloading them from github and uploading them myself. This desire might come from a misunderstanding.

Thanks for sharing your idea with us.
your idea is now part of AYON!
The PR was merged.

Now, I can see the versions of Addons when launching bootstrap!