TVPaint Frame ranges


We’ve found out that TVPaint is not really VFX pipeline friendly and one of the issues is that TVPaint is not much happy about frame ranges not starting from 1 (frame index 0).

Suggested solution n1

Don’t set frame start/end to mark in/out but only care about range. Which means:

  • Mark In by default starts with index 0 (but can be different)
  • Mark Out is set to “Mark In + (frameEnd - frameStart + 1)”
  • Validation of scene does not care about Mark In/Out values but it’s range must fit framStart/frameEnd of the asset(shot)
  • Extractor rendering the frames must output filenames with frames in range frameStart and frameEnd

That all sounds good!

Extractor rendering the frames must output filenames with frames in range frameStart and frameEnd

Bit unsure about this, but I dont have a solid argument for not renaming other than it’ll be different from whats in TVP.

Created PR TVPaint frame range definition by iLLiCiTiT · Pull Request #1424 · ynput/OpenPype · GitHub

Not sure if still a relevant issue. But I believe the Integrator can actually take care of that if the representation has a frameStart value that represents the start frame it should become due to the logic implemented here. I have no idea how well that logic actually holds up if there are also handles to consider, etc.