Tray Publisher | error not allowed to be replaced by a new transfer

I tried to publish a texture using tray publisher.

but as you can see I got an error which is the following.

Then I realized there is a mechanism to prevent from overwriting a publish but some times we do want to overwrite :), just wonder if there is a flag/checkbox/option somewhere to “overwrite” or how I can workaround this error.
thank you in advance.

AFAIK there is not any overwrite option when publishing. You can however delete old versions through the tray Loader.

I don’t think this is about overwriting existing versions - but it is about that the single publish instance (imageTexture in this case) tries to integrate/copy to the same destination file tsa_bunny_imageTexture_v001.jpg.

In this case I suspect that the pyblish_tmp_ file might be the thumbnail that was added top right in the publisher and I have a feeling that it might conflict with the “Reviewable representations” also having the same file added and both trying to write to the same thumbnail. I think that’s the case because the file ends with _thumb.jpg :slight_smile:

@Brno could you try doing this publish again - without explicitly setting the thumbnail top right but just setting the file as representation and reviewable representation? Usually reviewables are used to generate thumbnails if there isn’t one explicitly defined anyway.

If that solves it - there’s a bug that the reviewable is creating a thumbnail even though the user provided an explicit thumbnail.

What’s also odd is that it’s trying to write that ..._thumb.jpg file into tsa_bunny_imageTexture_v001.jpg instead of a thumbnail file at the destination. It could also be that that is the bug.

This Issue seems similar since it hits the same integrator error with regards to thumbnails. It’s not exactly the same, but just cross-referencing this that it might be somewhat related.

It makes sense @BigRoy did not noticed the “thumb” in the image.
I tried as requested and got the same error.

DEBUG: Establishing staging directory @ C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Temp\traypublisher_80hv31zk
DEBUG: Looking for matching profile for: hosts: "traypublisher" | families: "image" | task_names: "texture" | task_types: "Texture"
DEBUG: "image" not found in "families": ['review', 'render', 'prerender']
DEBUG: "traypublisher" not found in "hosts": ['standalonepublisher']
DEBUG: "traypublisher" not found in "hosts": ['maya']
DEBUG: "image" not found in "families": ['online']
DEBUG: Profile selected: {'hosts': [], 'task_types': [], 'task_names': [], 'template_name': 'publish', 'families': []}
DEBUG: Subset: imageTexture
DEBUG: http://openpype00:5000 "POST /graphql HTTP/1.1" 200 324
DEBUG: Response <RestApiResponse [200]>
DEBUG: Prepared subset: imageTexture
DEBUG: http://openpype00:5000 "POST /graphql HTTP/1.1" 200 171
DEBUG: Response <RestApiResponse [200]>
DEBUG: Source: C:\Users\bortega\Downloads\UVs_helper.jpg
DEBUG: Updating existing version ...
DEBUG: Prepared version: v001
DEBUG: http://openpype00:5000 "POST /graphql HTTP/1.1" 200 375
DEBUG: Response <RestApiResponse [200]>
DEBUG: Anatomy template name: publish
DEBUG: Anatomy template name: publish
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\plugins\publish\", line 181, in process
    self.register(instance, file_transactions, filtered_repres)
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\plugins\publish\", line 281, in register
    file_transactions.add(src, dst)
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\lib\", line 98, in add
    raise DuplicateDestinationError(
openpype.lib.file_transaction.DuplicateDestinationError: Transfer to destination is already in queue: C:\Users\bortega\Downloads\UVs_helper.jpg -> C:\projects\test_shotgrid_addon\assets\characters\bunny\publish\image\imageTexture\v001\tsa_bunny_imageTexture_v001.jpg. It's not allowed to be replaced by a new transfer from C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Temp\pyblish_tmp_upjbxer5\UVs_helper_thumb.jpg

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\dependency_packages\\dependencies\pyblish\", line 527, in __explicit_process
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\plugins\publish\", line 186, in process
  File "", line 718, in reraise
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\plugins\publish\", line 181, in process
    self.register(instance, file_transactions, filtered_repres)
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\plugins\publish\", line 281, in register
    file_transactions.add(src, dst)
  File "C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons\openpype_3.16.5-nightly.1\openpype\lib\", line 98, in add
    raise DuplicateDestinationError(
openpype.pipeline.publish.publish_plugins.KnownPublishError: Transfer to destination is already in queue: C:\Users\bortega\Downloads\UVs_helper.jpg -> C:\projects\test_shotgrid_addon\assets\characters\bunny\publish\image\imageTexture\v001\tsa_bunny_imageTexture_v001.jpg. It's not allowed to be replaced by a new transfer from C:\Users\bortega\AppData\Local\Temp\pyblish_tmp_upjbxer5\UVs_helper_thumb.jpg

Thank you for your feedback!
Let me know if there is something else in this log that can give you more info on what is going on.

This is interesting @tokestuartjepsen
I tried to launch “Tray Loader” and it stays fetching the asset…

I thought the server was down but I launched houdini and the Loader opens and shows the expected info.
Any thoughts about it, it would be appreciated as it seems not working as expected.

Tried refreshing by switching projects/asset?

Hi @tokestuartjepsen
I tried and it is the same for every project, here is one of the demo projects.

We have tested the 0.5.2 version and ayon launcher 3.17.0, and the tray publisher launches.
So, lets consider this solved in at least this version.
thank you @tokestuartjepsen @BigRoy for your time.