Template Workfile Build for Nuke, SiteSync

I’ve made some template workfile build and it works for me correctly. I use Sitesync in my studio and I wanna add this template for all other PCs. I have this setup in Nuke addon settings:

I’ve already tried to put the template file to remote site (Local drive “W”), but Ayon looking for this file in drive D anyway :

How can I solve this problem the easiest way? I wouldn’t like to put this file on every pc myself :cold_sweat:

Not a direct answer - and not a current existing feature. But this reminds me of this open issue: Enhancement: Workfile template builder using publishes instead of direct filepath · Issue #742 · ynput/ayon-core · GitHub

Basically, the idea is there that we could configure template paths using the “published products” which - as usual published products go, fully support site sync, etc. Plus they could benefit from the power of versioning in the system too. The issue explains it more in-depth, but feel free to let your voice heard there to bump it up a bit.

However, within the current ecosystem - I’m not sure what is the best approach here.

There is CopyLastPublishedWorkfile pre-launch hook in SiteSync addon which tries to download latest published version of workfile if no workfile present.

So if you would publish first iteration of workfile with a template, it should download to artist when they start working on that task automatically.

Out of curiosity, Have you tried adding a new root in your project anatomy. e.g.,
root[studio] that evaluates to your mounted partition and use it in the path template?

In the end, I just added a “template” task, created a template workfile, publish it to remote server and then added the streight path of published file (to remote server) in my profile of template workfile build.

It’s not a perfect solution, but it works.

I’m wondering if your publish template is using [root[work]}
or even if the root is overridden for users?

for example:

Yes, my publish template is using [root[work]}:

And my “work root” is drive “W”:

I’m also using SiteSync and my root is overridden on the drive “D”:

In this essence, I believe the system works as expected as you have overridden the work root causing the {root[work]} evaluates to D:/projects_local

I think adding another root e.g. publish that maps to w://something and use it in publish template {root[publish]}, and then eventually using it in the path to template can be better than using a hard coded path.

But anyways feel free to skip it as long as your solution works well.