Setting up Blender 4.2 Linux Mint, error with the AYON operators

On Linux I installed pip through this method:

>>> import ensurepip                                 
>>> ensurepip.bootstrap()
Looking in links: /tmp/tmp4sm481wu
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in ./opt/blender_launcher/custom/Blender_Sandbox/4.2/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages (63.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pip in ./opt/blender_launcher/custom/Blender_Sandbox/4.2/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages (23.2.1)
>>> exit()

../Blender_Sandbox/4.2/python/bin/python3.11 -m pip install PySide2

Collecting PySide2
  Obtaining dependency information for PySide2 from
  Using cached PySide2-5.13.2-5.13.2-cp35.cp36.cp37-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl.metadata (4.8 kB)
Collecting shiboken2==5.13.2 (from PySide2)
  Obtaining dependency information for shiboken2==5.13.2 from
  Using cached shiboken2-5.13.2-5.13.2-cp35.cp36.cp37-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl.metadata (2.4 kB)
Using cached PySide2-5.13.2-5.13.2-cp35.cp36.cp37-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (156.1 MB)
Using cached shiboken2-5.13.2-5.13.2-cp35.cp36.cp37-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (832 kB)
Installing collected packages: shiboken2, PySide2
Successfully installed PySide2-5.13.2 shiboken2-5.13.2
WARNING: There was an error checking the latest version of pip.

Running Blender from AYON launcher tray

./ayon --use-staging

opening a task based on this PR for the AYON blender addon by @BigRoy :

gives me this console output:

hannah@hannah-B250-HD3P:~/opt/AYON-1.0.4-dev.1-linux$ ./ayon --use-staging
/home/hannah/opt/AYON-1.0.4-dev.1-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
>>> Connected to AYON server http://REDACTED:5000
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
--- your system is set to use custom CA certificate bundle.
>>> Connected to AYON server http://REDACTED:5000
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
--- your system is set to use custom CA certificate bundle.
*** AYON [1.0.3] -------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Using AYON from [ /home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux ]
... AYON variant: [ staging ]
... AYON bundle:  [ 2024.06.1-full_kitsu-2024-07-07-02_TEST ]
>>> loading environments ...
  - global AYON ...
  - for addons ...
Registered font families: Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraLight, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Light, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono SemiBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Black, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Medium, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Thin
WARNING:TrayAddonsManager:Addon "kitsu" crashed on `tray_start`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/addon/", line 1490, in start_addons
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 64, in tray_start
    if validate_credentials(login, password):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 29, in validate_credentials
RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise
Addon name        |Version    |Initialization|Tray init|Connect modules|Tray menu|Addons start|Total
applications      |0.2.4      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
ayon_ocio         |1.1.1      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
ayon_third_party  |1.1.1      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.441       |0.441
blender           |0.2.1-dev.1|0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
celaction         |0.2.0      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
deadline          |0.2.2      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
kitsu             |1.2.2      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.231       |0.231
launcher_tool     |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.053    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.054
loader_tool       |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.032    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.032
python_interpreter|1.0.0      |0.000         |0.011    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.012
royalrender       |0.2.1      |0.000         |N/A      |N/A            |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
sitesync          |1.1.2      |0.000         |0.417    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.417
traypublisher     |0.2.4      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.000
tvpaint           |0.2.2      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
webserver         |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.145    |0.000          |0.010    |0.000       |0.156
Total             |(15)       |0.001         |0.659    |0.000          |0.011    |0.672       |1.343

/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
>>> [  Starting SiteSync  ] 
>>> [  SiteSync Started  ] 
>>> [  Starting WebServer server  ] 
>>> [  Opening of last workfile was disabled by user  ] 
>>> [  Colorspace management is disabled globally.  ] 
>>> [  Last workfile does not exist.  ] 
>>> [  Custom templates are not filled. Skipping template copy.  ] 
>>> [  Registered custom templates didn't match current context.  ] 
>>> [  Current context does not have any workfile yet.  ] 
>>> [  Launching "blender/4-2" with args (2): ['/home/hannah/opt/blender_launcher/custom/Blender_Sandbox/blender', '--python-use-system-env']  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_save_pre...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_save_post...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_load_post...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event callback for 'taskChanged'...  ] 
Registered font families: Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono

Running the Creator operator returns me this inside the AYON launcher console:

Initialising WM_OT_avalon_creator...
Using existing QApplication..
TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifier' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 312, in execute
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 399, in show_publisher
    _SingletonPoint.show_tool_by_name("publisher", parent, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 349, in show_tool_by_name
    cls.helper.show_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 321, in show_tool_by_name
    self.show_publisher_tool(parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 251, in show_publisher_tool
    window = self.get_publisher_tool(parent, controller)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 236, in get_publisher_tool
    from import PublisherWindow
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/publisher/", line 20, in <module>
    from .constants import ResetKeySequence
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/publisher/", line 32, in <module>
    ResetKeySequence = QtGui.QKeySequence(
SystemError: <class 'PySide2.QtGui.QKeySequence'> returned a result with an exception set
Error: Python: TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifier' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 251, in show_publisher_tool
    window = self.get_publisher_tool(parent, controller)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 236, in get_publisher_tool
    from import PublisherWindow
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/publisher/", line 20, in <module>
    from .constants import ResetKeySequence
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/publisher/", line 32, in <module>
    ResetKeySequence = QtGui.QKeySequence(
SystemError: <class 'PySide2.QtGui.QKeySequence'> returned a result with an exception set
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 198, in _process_app_events
    if app._instance:
AttributeError: 'PySide2.QtWidgets.QApplication' object has no attribute '_instance'

This is what it returns on Blender:

Python: TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifier' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 251, in show_publisher_tool
    window = self.get_publisher_tool(parent, controller)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 236, in get_publisher_tool
    from import PublisherWindow
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/publisher/", line 20, in <module>
    from .constants import ResetKeySequence
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/publisher/", line 32, in <module>
    ResetKeySequence = QtGui.QKeySequence(
SystemError: <class 'PySide2.QtGui.QKeySequence'> returned a result with an exception set

When I run the Load operator I get this inside of the launcher:

Initialising WM_OT_avalon_loader...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 244, in execute
    window = host_tools.get_tool_by_name(self._tool_name)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 359, in get_tool_by_name
    return _SingletonPoint.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 354, in get_tool_by_name
    return cls.helper.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 265, in get_tool_by_name
    return self.get_loader_tool(parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 75, in get_loader_tool
    loader_window = LoaderWindow(
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/loader/ui/", line 127, in __init__
    self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.Window)
TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.WindowType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
Error: Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 244, in execute
    window = host_tools.get_tool_by_name(self._tool_name)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 359, in get_tool_by_name
    return _SingletonPoint.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 354, in get_tool_by_name
    return cls.helper.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 265, in get_tool_by_name
    return self.get_loader_tool(parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 75, in get_loader_tool
    loader_window = LoaderWindow(
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/loader/ui/", line 127, in __init__
    self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.Window)
TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.WindowType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 198, in _process_app_events
    if app._instance:
AttributeError: 'PySide2.QtWidgets.QApplication' object has no attribute '_instance'

Blender info log:

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 244, in execute
    window = host_tools.get_tool_by_name(self._tool_name)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 359, in get_tool_by_name
    return _SingletonPoint.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 354, in get_tool_by_name
    return cls.helper.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 265, in get_tool_by_name
    return self.get_loader_tool(parent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/utils/", line 75, in get_loader_tool
    loader_window = LoaderWindow(
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/loader/ui/", line 127, in __init__
    self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.Window)
TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.WindowType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

@HannahFantasia could you try and remove PySide2 and instead install PySide6?

I believe the launch hook also tries to install it for you. You don’t need to install it manually yourself as far as I know.

So in this case, uninstall PySide2 for that blender install.

Curious to hear what errors then remain.

Some of the errors seem like Qt incompatibility errors so I hope PySide6 solves most of those. If not, any chance you are on an older ayin core version? If so, update those as well to make sure any bugfixes in there are in your bundle.

Kitsu credential errors

By the way, you also seem to get some Kitsu credential errors on blender launch.

WARNING:TrayAddonsManager:Addon "kitsu" crashed on `tray_start`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/addon/", line 1490, in start_addons
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 64, in tray_start
    if validate_credentials(login, password):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 29, in validate_credentials
RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise

Would be good to resolve those as well or disable the kitsu addon to ensure those errors aren’t creating other issues on launch.

Terminal blessed warnings

/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal

@iLLiCiT any easy way for Hannah to avoid this warnings cluttering her logs?

PySide2 errors

Even though we by default now install PySide6 shouldn’t PySide2 still be fine @iLLiCiT ?

File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/loader/ui/", line 127, in __init__
    self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.Window)
TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.WindowType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

This seems like we may have made something backwards incompatible? That line of code is here.

could you try and remove PySide2 and instead install PySide6?

I believe the launch hook also tries to install it for you. You don’t need to install it manually yourself as far as I know.

So in this case, uninstall PySide2 for that blender install.

Curious to hear what errors then remain.

It indeed installs it by default. I still did ./python3.11 -m pip install PySide6 just in case, no weird errors, installed it all correctly according to output.

Some of the errors seem like Qt incompatibility errors so I hope PySide6 solves most of those. If not, any chance you are on an older ayin core version? If so, update those as well to make sure any bugfixes in there are in your bundle.

This is the output I get from the console, Blender functions fine but the AYON publisher is frozen, it appears to take the screenspace of the window under it.:

hannah@hannah-B250-HD3P:~/opt/AYON-1.0.4-dev.1-linux$ ./ayon --use-staging
/home/hannah/opt/AYON-1.0.4-dev.1-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
>>> Connected to AYON server http://REDACTED:5000
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
--- your system is set to use custom CA certificate bundle.
>>> Connected to AYON server http://REDACTED:5000
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
--- your system is set to use custom CA certificate bundle.
*** AYON [1.0.3] -------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Using AYON from [ /home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux ]
... AYON variant: [ staging ]
... AYON bundle:  [ 2024.06.1-full_kitsu-2024-07-07-02_TEST ]
>>> loading environments ...
  - global AYON ...
  - for addons ...
Registered font families: Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraLight, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Light, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono SemiBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Black, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Medium, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Thin
WARNING:TrayAddonsManager:Addon "kitsu" crashed on `tray_start`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/addon/", line 1490, in start_addons
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 64, in tray_start
    if validate_credentials(login, password):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 29, in validate_credentials
RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
Addon name        |Version    |Initialization|Tray init|Connect modules|Tray menu|Addons start|Total
applications      |0.2.4      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
ayon_ocio         |1.1.1      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
ayon_third_party  |1.1.1      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.449       |0.449
blender           |0.2.1-dev.1|0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
celaction         |0.2.0      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
deadline          |0.2.2      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
kitsu             |1.2.2      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.186       |0.187
launcher_tool     |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.061    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.062
loader_tool       |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.033    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.034
python_interpreter|1.0.0      |0.000         |0.013    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.013
royalrender       |0.2.1      |0.000         |N/A      |N/A            |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
sitesync          |1.1.2      |0.000         |0.468    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.469
traypublisher     |0.2.4      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.000
tvpaint           |0.2.2      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
webserver         |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.168    |0.000          |0.011    |0.001       |0.180
Total             |(15)       |0.001         |0.744    |0.001          |0.012    |0.637       |1.394
>>> [  Starting SiteSync  ] 
>>> [  SiteSync Started  ] 

>>> [  Starting WebServer server  ] 
>>> [  Opening of last workfile was disabled by user  ] 
>>> [  Colorspace management is disabled globally.  ] 
>>> [  Last workfile does not exist.  ] 
>>> [  Custom templates are not filled. Skipping template copy.  ] 
>>> [  Registered custom templates didn't match current context.  ] 
>>> [  Current context does not have any workfile yet.  ] 
>>> [  Launching "blender/4-2" with args (2): ['/home/hannah/opt/blender_launcher/custom/Blender_Sandbox/blender', '--python-use-system-env']  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_save_pre...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_save_post...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_load_post...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event callback for 'taskChanged'...  ] 
Registered font families: Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraLight, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Light, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono SemiBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Black, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Medium, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Thin
Initialising WM_OT_avalon_creator...
Using existing QApplication..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 198, in _process_app_events
    if app._instance:
AttributeError: 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication' object has no attribute '_instance'

I will try a fresh setup on both. Is there an easy way to effectively delete AYON launcher configs from my system for that goal alone?

The Kitsu erros I am leaving for another topic, mainly so it can be addressed properly in a contained environment.

1 Like

Thanks @HannahFantasia this is great - that actually means there was a bug in my PR apparently. I’ll look into it when I have some time.

1 Like

Do we know which exact version of PySide2 was installed? I can’t replicate it in versions I have available.

I just did ./python3.11 -m pip install PySide2 3 days before this post got online. Not sure what version that would be implying.

In my logs I read:

You can call

import PySide2


If it is version 5.13.2 then it is quite old (last supported python is python 3.7). That might be the issue, will try.

EDITED: Which blender version are you using, not sure which version is using such old python? Oh it is python3.11 . And it’s on linux, hmm. Not sure I’ll be able to debug…

I already deleted PySide 2, that gave me the error above after following Roy’s feedback.

So now you have PySide6 and it raises this?

File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/tools/loader/ui/", line 127, in __init__
    self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.Window)
TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.Qt.WindowType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

Correct. I will reinstall blender 4.2 just to test it out with a fresh install.

With even a fresh blender setup, this is the error, the screenspace issue of the window below the AYON publisher persists:

hannah@hannah-B250-HD3P:~/opt/AYON-1.0.4-dev.1-linux$ ./ayon --use-staging
/home/hannah/opt/AYON-1.0.4-dev.1-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
>>> Connected to AYON server http://REDACTED:5000
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
--- your system is set to use custom CA certificate bundle.
>>> Connected to AYON server http://REDACTED:5000
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal
--- your system is set to use custom CA certificate bundle.
*** AYON [1.0.3] -------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Using AYON from [ /home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux ]
... AYON variant: [ staging ]
... AYON bundle:  [ 2024.06.1-full_kitsu-2024-07-07-02_TEST ]
>>> loading environments ...
  - global AYON ...
  - for addons ...
Registered font families: Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraLight, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Light, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono SemiBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Black, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Medium, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Thin
WARNING:TrayAddonsManager:Addon "kitsu" crashed on `tray_start`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/core_0.4.0/ayon_core/addon/", line 1490, in start_addons
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 64, in tray_start
    if validate_credentials(login, password):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/kitsu_1.2.2/ayon_kitsu/", line 29, in validate_credentials
RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise
Addon name        |Version    |Initialization|Tray init|Connect modules|Tray menu|Addons start|Total
applications      |0.2.4      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
ayon_ocio         |1.1.1      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
ayon_third_party  |1.1.1      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.437       |0.437
blender           |0.2.1-dev.1|0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
celaction         |0.2.0      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
deadline          |0.2.2      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
kitsu             |1.2.2      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.185       |0.185
launcher_tool     |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.046    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.047
loader_tool       |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.029    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.029
python_interpreter|1.0.0      |0.000         |0.011    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.011
royalrender       |0.2.1      |0.000         |N/A      |N/A            |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
sitesync          |1.1.2      |0.000         |0.366    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.367
traypublisher     |0.2.4      |0.000         |0.000    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.000
tvpaint           |0.2.2      |0.000         |N/A      |0.000          |N/A      |N/A         |0.000
webserver         |1.0.0      |0.000         |0.131    |0.000          |0.010    |0.001       |0.142
Total             |(15)       |0.001         |0.584    |0.000          |0.011    |0.622       |1.218
/home/hannah/Downloads/AYON-1.0.3-linux/dependencies/blessed/ UserWarning: Failed to setupterm(kind='xterm-256color'): setupterm: could not find terminal

>>> [  Starting SiteSync  ] 
>>> [  SiteSync Started  ] 
>>> [  Starting WebServer server  ] 
>>> [  Opening of last workfile was disabled by user  ] 
>>> [  Colorspace management is disabled globally.  ] 
>>> [  Last workfile does not exist.  ] 
>>> [  Custom templates are not filled. Skipping template copy.  ] 
>>> [  Registered custom templates didn't match current context.  ] 
>>> [  Current context does not have any workfile yet.  ] 
>>> [  Launching "blender/4-2" with args (2): ['/home/hannah/opt/blender_launcher/custom/Blender_Sandbox/blender', '--python-use-system-env']  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_save_pre...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_save_post...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event handler _on_load_post...  ] 
>>> [  Installed event callback for 'taskChanged'...  ] 
Registered font families: Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono ExtraLight, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Light, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono SemiBold, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Black, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Medium, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono, Noto Sans Mono Thin
Initialising WM_OT_avalon_creator...
Using existing QApplication..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 198, in _process_app_events
    if app._instance:
AttributeError: 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication' object has no attribute '_instance'

This is the PySide6 version within Blender:

PYTHON INTERACTIVE CONSOLE 3.11.7 (main, Jun 11 2024, 12:31:01) [GCC 11.2.1 20220127 (Red Hat 11.2.1-9)]

Builtin Modules:       bpy,, bpy.ops, bpy.props, bpy.types, bpy.context, bpy.utils, bgl, gpu, blf, mathutils
Convenience Imports:   from mathutils import *; from math import *
Convenience Variables: C = bpy.context, D =

>>> import PySide6
>>> print(PySide6.__version__)

Thanks @HannahFantasia

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/hannah/.local/share/AYON/addons/blender_0.2.1-dev.1/ayon_blender/api/", line 198, in _process_app_events
    if app._instance:
AttributeError: 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication' object has no attribute '_instance'

This should hopefully be fixed by: Fix QApplication access on platforms other than Windows by BigRoy ¡ Pull Request #9 ¡ ynput/ayon-blender ¡ GitHub

I think we got a positive on the QT side!

For Publishing, I get another error. I will make a separate thread for that.

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