Reviewable regex products filter

Hi I dont understand how to setup this: I dont want cryptomatte or other passes except beauty (if not multilayer) or just main exr (if multilayer) to have review tag/family

i have this settings setup this laks of beauty pattern (I’m only learning regex) but afaik this code should block cryptobatte files from review

but it doesnt(

what am i doing wrong? or maybe dont get what this feature do?

A post was split to a new topic: How to disable cleanup feature

In the filter mentioned above, you add the regex for the AOVs, you want to mark as reviewables. Note, this adds a review tag

this regex should pick only beauty pass. .*([Bb]eauty).*
this filters works on file paths, check here this from Houdini but it’s 1:1 what happens on farm.

Here’s an example from user perspective:
I’ll usually add the aov name before the frame number.

and here’s a visualization of what happens in the code

looks like my regex is correct so why i see cryptomatte in review? may it be only in kitsu?


looks like this filter is not working with multipart exr

but crypto is always a separate file at least in redshift so i think we need to do two sets of filders: one for multipart one for non multipart or just hardcode that we dont need to publish crypto ever

and we need to think how to deal with thix filtering since multipart exr dont have any $aov the name will be just …redshift_ropMain_####.exr

I vaguely recall there also being “two filters” like that in some maya logic to hack around that.

Here it is: Maya: Fix Redshift cryptomatte multipartEXR by tokejepsen · Pull Request #6240 · ynput/OpenPype · GitHub

@mustafa_jafar we may need a hotfix for Houdini doing the same?

And then, actually solve this in a sustainable way over time. I recommended doing that back then but it wasn’t trivial to standardize across the board.

Actually is this line of code already trying to “catch” this situation? ayon-houdini/client/ayon_houdini/plugins/publish/ at 69250cbd858f506659e76ac701bc3613af2924e7 · ynput/ayon-houdini · GitHub But maybe it fails if there are also other AOVs and hence it’s still["multipartExr"] = False?

I just don’t like adding hardcoded values in farm/
it can be crypto or cryptomatte, I really can’t tell.

Also, this could be solved in render collectors level where we can set the multipartExr = False if we had separated AOVs (including crypto mattes).
e.g. this Houdini redshift collector

and, instead of making a massive debug session to test all render product types in Houdini, we can just fix it one by one. based on the community feedback and client reports.

That’s why I’ve added the aov name manually… please, refer to my screenshot.
the documentation still lacks that part.

please keep in mind that this feature is meant to be used with other plugins like extract review.
therefore, the default value is set to .*([Bb]eauty).* because we only want the beauty pass to be used to extract reviews.

and, then extract reviews plugin has this tag kitsureview which tells kitsu plugin to create a comment about it.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell what are you doing wrong :sweat_smile:.

I genuinely don’t know. this might need a debug session.