Morning All, I am trying to retrieve a version status of a clip in NukeStudio (via OP)- in order to tag a clip and burn that status to the review sequence. How do I retrieve that ? I seem to be able to get all other attributes but that >?
Hi Again -
Anyone have any thoughts on this please ? am I phrasing the question poorly ?
or is it not possible to retrieve a version status of an OP loaded clip in Nukestudio>?
Hello @rorym ,
Sometimes it takes time for questions to get answered. it depends on the availability and who can answer your question.
Hey @rorym, I’m a bit unclear on your goal. Are you looking to apply a BurnIn effect to a clip which is loaded via OpenPype/AYON and use some of the metadata from the tag we are using for labeling containerized clips?
In case I am wrong, please add some screenshots of what you would like to do.
In case I am right, it is impossible at the moment. And I am sure it is not even supported by NKS at the moment.