Publisher Error For Houdini Deadline Bgeo Submission


he bgeo submissions were working successful while caching, But, the publishing job is throwing error. The job retried several time even after the files were copying to publish folder and failing. Attached screen shots


Could you share the full deadline job log please?

The URL leads to a link contains a txt file. Please download it. It has he deadline log

The reported issue on the publish in the log is:

Version ‘11’ from instance ‘pointcacheMain’ that you are trying to publish is lower or equal to an existing version in the database. Version in database: ‘11’. Please version up your workfile to a higher version number than: ‘11’.

Which means that:

  1. this particular version was already published. It can be that it’s actually the deadline job that “succeeded” almost completely the first time but just failed at the end. So it did integrate it into the database on the first run, but failed to complete the job after.

  2. OR it may mean that from elsewhere you happened to have also published a version 11 and now there was this conflict.

The first could be detected from the Deadline publish job’s log if there are multiple retries that processed it, and then most likely the first (or one of the first) logs would contain the near success publish which did make the version in the database.

I tried couple of times to version up my hip file versions and submitted, it still poping up with same.

Apart from that, What is these bellow errors pointing to some modules broken. Already updated the addons into latest.

Anyways to fix it this versioning and below errors?

2024-11-14 14:28:24: 0: STDOUT: ERROR:pyblish.plugin:Skipped: “submit_max_deadline” (No module named ‘pymxs’)
2024-11-14 14:28:24: 0: STDOUT: ERROR:pyblish.plugin:Skipped: “submit_maya_deadline” (No module named ‘maya’)
2024-11-14 14:28:24: 0: STDOUT: ERROR:pyblish.plugin:Skipped: “submit_max_deadline” (No module named ‘pymxs’)
2024-11-14 14:28:24: 0: STDOUT: ERROR:pyblish.plugin:Skipped: “submit_maya_deadline” (No module named ‘maya’)

You can technically ignore those, it’s just because some maya related plug-ins in the deadline addon are also being loaded.

However, it also hints that you’re using an older addon version of ayon-deadline. So I’d overall recommend triggering the Pipeline Update on the AYON web frontend and creating an updated bundle - because this has been fixed quite some time ago.

As you suggested, I updated the bundles. now it is leading to this error. Let me know if you required full log …

What addon versions are you using? (deadline, core, houdini)
Did you use the ayon publisher to submit the job? (deadline otls don’t work yet with AYON)

Yes I am used the ayon publisher to submit the job, ended up with this error. Not deadline HDA’s

deadline 0.4.0
houdini 0.3.2
core 0.4.0

Could you use a recent Houdini addon?
0.3.2 is quite old.

also, updating the core addon.

you may use Updating Pipeline to latest Release | AYON Docs