Publish Review as one H264 with burnin and one without burnin

I’d like to publish H264 reviews where there is one with burnins and one without burnins.
So that basically on load I can pick and switch between the burnin version or without, e.g. h264_burnin and h264.

Which setting do I need to configure to do this the right way? What should I watch out for?

Hiya Roy

Did you get anywhere with this?

I’m not entirely sure I actually investigated any further and whteher I really needed it. I’m quite sure it’s possible though since I have a feeling some out there are doing it already.

Tagging @jakub.jezek once more. But maybe @murphy or @libor.batek may know too.

1 Like
  • I thought about adding different filter profiles but as far as I know, the filtering system in plugins picks one filter, so adding multiple profiles won’t help.
  • Maybe we can add an additional review instance: one get burnin, other one doesn’t.
  • Maybe we can add enum options to Extract Burnin:
    • Extract Burnin, Keep original
    • Extract Burnin, Remove original
    • Don’t extract burnin

anyways, I think the post refers to unimplemented feature.

I believe I did something like that by making empty burnin and link to burnin name:



I see - that would still trigger ExtractBurnin (the encoding pass) but just wouldn’t write/format anything into the output file. :') Interesting.

Yes, this approach will work and will clearly idetify those files with the burnempty representation name suffix, but it is also unnecessarily processing file.

You could also duplicate h264 output preset inside of a Extract review profile and remove burnin tag from Tags list. This will do the same as @jiri.sin was suggesting but will not trigger Extract Burnin.