Persistent or Automatic log in into Launcher

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to create a persistent/automatic log in for the ayon launcher?
I’m asking because with the current implementation, it seems that once in a while the api key expires and it leads to this prompt, which requires a re login:

is there some env variables i can set up for the user/password that ayon can pick up at launch?

Thank you,

Hi !

For me, it happens for 2 different reasons :

  • When the network get IT problems and Ayon’s server is not reachable, the local Ayon launcher shows the login gui, and then it crashes.
  • If the session expirers (24 hours is the default, at least on my version). Good news, you can tweak the “server” section of the docker-compose.yml file (on Ayon’s server). For example if you want to extand to a week, add this (TTL = Time To Live) :
    - “AYON_SESSION_TTL=604800”

Hey Yul,
Thank you for your response. We are using Ynput Cloud, do you know where the option for “AYON_SESSION_TTL” is?

I set this on my on-prem server, it is on the docker-compose.yml file, which is located at the root of the docker folder.

With Ynput Cloud I guess it’s different, maybe you can ask Ynput support to set it ?