Openpype frame start and frame end in ftrack

Hello we are trying to display in ftrack the frame start and frame end generated by openpye (from Hiero)

I cannot display directly the openpype custom attribut since ftrack does not allow to display hierarchical custom attributes
Do you know how to display them? , it’s very useful to quickly check shot duration for a list of shots

We have an ftrack event script that can sync hierarchical attributes to their equivalent non-hierarchical exactly for this purpose. It’s not pretty but id does the job. There have been long and painful conversations about the choice of the attr type, but it is what is is unfortunately in ftrack.

You can find the event in our ftrack addon

Also if you have ftrack addon enabled and the sync service running, you just need to turn it on here

thanks! @milan ! is it also accessible in Openpype (and not just Ayon) ?

I’have just looked at the settings in Openpype and they are also available.
Ok, so it’s an action i have to do manually each time we modify the frame start / end ?

Do you know what’s the new name of the attributes we have to display ?


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Actually I think it’s just miscategorised and it’s event by default, with action being optional

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How does the syncing work? Because this:

We have an ftrack event script that can sync hierarchical attributes to their equivalent non-hierarchical exactly for this purpose.

To me sounds like Sync the non-column-displayable value to the displayable-columns which seems non-intuitive maybe since I’d expect producers to maybe alter the values using the columns once they can be visible instead of the (admittedly quite hidden away info tab’s) openpype attributes?

I’m assuming:

  • hierarchical attributes can not be shown in Ftrack columns and that’s the type OpenPype uses.
  • non-hierarchical attributes can be shown in Ftrack columns

I really wish Ftrack just did this better -it’s odd hierarchical attributes can’t be visualized in columns. :rage:

Yes you are assuming right.

The Sync event was in fact already activated in our settings , but i can’t see the value still.
What should i do to see them ?

Should we try to publish frame in / out , etc , on standard number attribute (in the future ? )