Missing Harmony Integration

Hello guys,

We are currently working on integrating Ayon with Harmony 24 and have added the Harmony plugin version 0.1.2 into our Production bundle. However, it appears that the plugin is not being downloaded to the workstation, which is preventing the Ayon integration from showing up in Harmony 24.

Could you please advise on how to troubleshoot or debug this issue?

Any advise on trouble shooting or debug on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the awesome tool.



This issue was resolved via a discord chat and I’m just reporting it here.

The first issue that I encountered is the Harmony’s environment was set to AVALON_WORKFILES_ON_LAUNCH instead of AYON_HARMONY_WORKFILES_ON_LAUNCH

You might need to go to Studio Settings → Application → Harmony to change the environment like below

The second issue is that I was using the out-of-date version of harmony, since the Harmony Addon version 0.2.0 is not available yet on the Addon Market.

A current work-around is to manually download the latest version and use the “Upload Addons” feature.

Then create a new bundle with the newer version of Harmony addon.

After Deploy the Bundle and let Ayon do it’s thing, you should be able to see this.