Manage Tab bug when using Library project assets

Hey everyone,

It seems there’s a bug when using Library project assets in Nuke. If you have nodes with AYON custom knobs in the same script as nodes from the current project, the AYON Manage tab appears blank. Deleting the Library project nodes resolves this issue.

Let me know if you need any other details or have experienced similar issues.

This may be fixed in recent ayon-core versions because it’s way less picky with faulty/invalid representation ids it can’t find in current project.

What’s your addon versions in your current bundle?

A new release was made today actually of ayon-core - and it may be nice to update!?

However, thinking of it now… there’s an open PR that tries to solve some issues with invalid representation ids Ignore containers with invalid UUID in representation by fabiaserra · Pull Request #1 · ynput/ayon-nuke · GitHub but I believe that solely revolves around completely invalid representation ids (wrong uuid format) instead of those just not existing in current project - so if loaded within AYON from its library loader that should still work without this PR.

If it doesn’t work with the latest versions then maybe you can try running python code:

from ayon_core.pipeline import registered_host

host = registered_host()
for container in host.get_containers():

See if that logs any errors … and maybe report the result of those prints and share here so we can see what “faulty data” you’re working with.

Hi @BigRoy thanks so much for your reply.
Can confirm core 0.4.3 shows both library and current project asset where as 0.4.0 shows blank.
The library asset is shown as ‘Entity N/A’

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Hi all, tagging onto this thread, we are seeing quite a similar issue in Maya when reference loading products that come from a library project. It seems that there is logic in both core and the maya addon to seek representation information from the database using the current project context, which results in an incomplete metadata load in the container. Similarly, the scene inventory shows the Library assets nested under “Entity N/A” like in the screenshot above.

We are using core 1.0.3 and maya 0.3.1 – is this a bug, or some error on our end in the loading workflow?

Library assets showing as Entity N/A is currently the expected behavior.
Aside of that - the UI should not crash or be empty which is the bug reported by this thread, which should be fixed. :white_check_mark:

However, coincidentally, I just happened to have made this issue a few minutes before you posted this: Load and manage products from a library project · Issue #983 · ynput/ayon-core · GitHub

The goal of that issue would be to support loading from a library project, but having the loaded containers fully manageable as if locally in your project.

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I recall this error.
I face it when loading from another project.
This is the expected behavior since the default ayon tool doesn’t allow this. we are using a custom HDA to load products.

Also, for reference, I can’t find my other projects in the loader tool.
This is the expected behavior

Thanks for the info, Roy. The original reason that we started investigating the loading process is that layout publishing is currently failing in scenes that contain Library assets since the layout extractor uses the api call “get_representation_by_id” using the current project context.
Originally I thought it was related to an incomplete load of the container, but sounds like the two are unrelated after all (if I hardcode the project to be the library project in the extractor plugin then I can publish).

@Veena Ah - that’s great. That’d be a bug (and easy to fix too!)

Could you report the error stack trace or Publish JSON report? What DCC are you publishing the layout from in this case?

I suppose this may fix it? Extract Layout: Do not error on containers loaded from library project by BigRoy · Pull Request #170 · ynput/ayon-maya · GitHub

Or at least allows to “skip” the invalid entries.

Yes, that commit looks like it’ll fix it (or at least skip as you said), I’ll test it today, thanks!