Launch Bootstrap Setup VS Install latest release

Hi !

Could you please explain what are the differences between these menu items :

@Innders @milan are likely best to elaborate on this.

From a technical perspective, both processes are almost identical. Both install addons, dependency packages, and installers from a release bundle.

The key difference lies in the user experience. We’ve found that clicking the “Launch Bootstrap” button can feel unintuitive and even intimidating, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the technical aspects. It might seem like you’re resetting everything or overwriting your current work, which can be unsettling.

Additionally, the bootstrap process sets a splash screen for every user, which quickly becomes a nuisance.

The Install Latest Release option (soon to be renamed to Update Pipeline in the next release) is designed to be more user-friendly, transparent, and faster. Unlike the bootstrap method, it automatically detects which addons need updates and identifies the platforms you’re already using (whether it’s MacOS, Windows, or Linux). The update process now only requires two simple clicks, select the menu option, and hit the install button.

This change is also a step toward making releases available in the marketplace. Our long-term goal is to allow users to browse and install releases, whether they’re provided by Ynput or the community.

Great question @Yul! And thanks for the reminder, this definitely needs better user documentation.


Thanks a lot for your answer !