Integrating Task Thumbnails from Pipeline

Hey everyone!

With the latest developments in AYON, I’ve got a basic starting pipeline working here, and it’s already awesome and to my liking. However, I do have some issues that I would like to address or get help with. Could someone please assist or shed light on some fixes?

- Thumbnail Workfile/Task
When I look at the dashboard, the only way to show tasks with thumbnails is to upload them manually. I have loads of thumbnails from the renders or workfiles. Is there a way to have them automatically load into the task?

- Nuke Studio Errors
After I’ve published a clip and try to load the new compositingRenderMain into the Nuke Studio timeline, I keep getting this error:

- Nuke Template Won’t Create Write Node
I’ve got LoadClip to work, but no matter what I try, CreateWriteNode won’t work on the Nuke template. Could this be a bug? This is the script editor after I’ve run a new build:

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Any luck with these issues ?

- Thumbnail Workfile/Task
When I look at the dashboard, the only way to show tasks with thumbnails is to upload them manually. I have loads of thumbnails from the renders or workfiles. Is there a way to have them automatically load into the task?

These should since recent ayon server updates no propagate upstream from the latest publish with a thumbnail (do not that these may not be the exact product you’d prefer to have as thumbnail, it may be e.g. your “matte” layer that you happen to have just written out) - in that case you may still want to somehow set explicit task thumbnails (which will always override this inheritance upwards).

Not sure if those Nuke issues are still present, but that’d be up for @jakub.jezek to reply to I think.

Hey @remcodebont I was looking into the issue and it had been already fixed. Look here for more info in regards of your traceback ayon-hiero/client/ayon_hiero/api/ at c8a427f4763c0ff1a1e8cc3fd6171fb201584dd5 · ynput/ayon-hiero · GitHub

Please use latest ayon-hiero addon release from the repositoriy with latest ayon-core.