Houdini: Push Redshift render to Kitsu in the correct colorspace


I’ll describe the whole situation and all issues

We want to publish hda (model to be animated later in different task)
We cant create hda publish because of name of a file starting with number (i saw an issue in git, so waiting for fix)

We want to publish review of an asset created with redshift, so we create a redshift_rop and clock use local render.

If we choose JPG we have 1) name missmatch: ayon wants to see redshift_ropMain.1001.jpg but redshift gives redshift_ropMain.beauty.1001


if we choose to use exr name confict disapears BUT AYON not waiting till redshift finishes render and just gives error because this exr is now rendering


Okey we can render first and then publish using existing frames and it works for AYON but not publishing to kitsu

in terms of settings all should be working because review works fine only redshift is not

I even see Kitsu’s integration steps in logs but its empty

And I dont see options to pre configure redshift rop so it always renders zips and other settings whitch i would like for artists to be pre configured

Any ideas how to solve it? thanks in advance

with 2 frames range publisher waits and gives no error, but kitsu still empty

adding render fixes the issue with kitsu

Now i need to know how to render one frame wo errors and how to deal with color

I think this is related to the Multi-Layered EXR options.
and maybe your ROP doesn’t have the AOV setup correctly.

redshift_rop is the main instance associated with the redshift rop node.
Then, during publishing (speaking of local render target) , we create few runtime instance with the family name render.
That’s why render worked.

Could you check you rop node for some parameter that tells houdini to wait till render finishes ?
Currently, I don’t have redshift on my machine to check.
For reference, Same issue happens with USD render. Add `ValidateWaitForRender` by MustafaJafar · Pull Request #64 · ynput/ayon-houdini · GitHub

I think you don’t need to update the houdini profile in kitsu settings. as the default is sufficient.

Because, we have that toggle in render that marks your render as reviewable.
Which should work with kitsu.

Here’s a published render that was pushed to kitsu.

I don’t know how it works with mantra but today with or without this toggle i was getting no publish to kitsu until I added the render to the kitsu famly settings

Do we have opportunity to convert acescg exr to srgb when creatign reviews for kitsu publish?

It should be the same! they actually use the same logic.
We mark the render as reviewable in the publisher and then, the plugin follows the regex pattern to pick pass that we will be used to create reviewables.

  • ayon+settings://deadline/publish/ProcessSubmittedJobOnFarm/aov_filter

you can also override that filter inside Houdini for local render.

  • ayon+settings://houdini/publish/CollectLocalRenderInstances

yes, we have Transcode plugin. and it doesn’t only work for kitsu. it’s a generic plugin.

  • ayon+settings://core/publish/ExtractOIIOTranscode

i just copied everything as you suggested and nothing

there is no kitsu’s integrate status and note and even OIIOTranscode cant find any “review” tag. I thinks its a problem with publisher not putting review tag to redshift rop

@mustafa_jafar so far no success so please help!)

I’m trying to publish using existing frames and always get this (with animation with stills works fine)

and i still struggle with kitsu publish because adding “render” to kitsu collect falilies solves issue only kinda so now toggle “Review” is not working and it always publishes to kitsu. But doing like that

gives me nothing att all

and i have no success even with colorspase trasform
with this settings

i have this message so no conversion

Could we break it down into separated problems ?

  1. Regarding Transcoding plugin, As far as I was able to test, you don’t need that with publishing review that were created by (OpenGL) node as the node will do the conversion for you.
  2. Could you elaborate about Collect Kitsu Family ?

This is not common, because the frameStartHandle key should be available since CollectRopFrameRange is adding it.

OpenGL it good) I need conversion for redshift. In this topic i was talking only about redshift. So outcoming files are acescg and i need to autoconvert it to srgb and autopublish to kitsu

This is done via Extract OIIO Transcode.

I’m trying but something is wrong i dont get whats wrong

@timsergeeff This bug I believe will be fixed with a PR that is merged just today!Collect required data for local and farm render jobs to have a 'colorspace' value specified by BigRoy · Pull Request #75 · ynput/ayon-houdini · GitHub

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On nice waiting to it!

Colorspase comversion works!!! thanks!)

Next problem: with animation publish i’ve desribed here

I found that it happends because i have animated focal lenght so this part of a code fails

i’ve digged a lot trying to understand why startframehandle delets in this step with no success this time but this solves this error.

idk is it worth to commit this change because i believe that startframehandle was implemented for some reason i dont exactly know so i believe my “fix” is garbage but works (maybe because i have shot with 0 frames handles)

UPD review product stops working with this fix

UPD found a problem and a solution: when we create new instances for each aov code forgets to add frameStartHadnle for new instance so this fixes a problem

I’ll commit this

and another change to the code I’ll commint for review not to be hardcoded

after all of that fixes i believe Its at almost its optimal stage one thing left do we have settings for kitsu familily which works now as it should filter by product name? ore somehow maybe otherway? just like in OIIO plugin

This is for filtering cryptomattes and other unwanted publishes in kitsu, because even after fixes when i was getting 4 posts in kitsu with 0 review (I have 2 rops), now i have 2 posts (main and main_crypto()with 1 review (main), so i believe that crypto has no spase to be in tracker) (or just to have a choise)

Please create a dedicated separate issue on Github for this and if you have a separate fix for this, please include it in a separate branch as a separate PR. Aside of that, thanks for reporting!.

Also, please include with the issue or PR dedicated steps to reproduce the bug, like:

  • Houdini version
  • Renderer used
  1. Create Redshift ROP instance
  2. Enable setting X in Transcode profile
  3. Enable AYON Kitsu
  4. Do this
  5. Do that

And of course include the full error/log report as json or text files with it.
That’ll definitely make it much easier to confirm/debug your fixes and help you along.

Also, if something is definitely an isolated bug or issue - a Github issue will definitely beat having many subsequent issue reports here in a community forum topic. So bonus points if you’re able to do that.

Aside of that, thanks again!

I believe this is not an issue this is just a feature I’ll try to do for kitsu addon since or maybe… just thought that maybe houdini review filter is not working because i have that setting
and in deadline too
and looking at this setting none of render files should be reviewable but i have all of them will dig dipper here