Houdini Deadline rop publish tree

Due to our company pipeline, the Ayon geocache rop option doesn’t fit our workflow because we use a filecache node with a constructed filepath through Fetch ROP and Deadline ROP. I’ve built a node tree to ensure render nodes depend on completed caches on Deadline.

Part of the tree that uses Ayon nodes works and goes through Deadline and then gets published to Ayon functions correctly. However, the upper part of the tree doesn’t require publishing to Ayon but does need to pass through Deadline. Regular nodes, however, do not submit to Deadline. Even if we try submitting the caches first and then the Ayon ROPs separately, the Ayon publish functionality lacks an option to establish dependencies on already submitted jobs. Is there a solution in the configuration tools, or does it require modifying the node functions in the developer documentation?

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You have described the current state.

There are two possible solutions:

  1. Enhance AYON deadline submission to allow artists to add a job ID to establish dependencies. (you can create an issue/request for it here)
  2. Using AYON Publish Rop. it’s WIP. it allows you to use the vanilla deadline rop to publish to AYON.