FlowPTR (Shotgrid) not syncing with new project

Hi there, this seems to be my biggest problem so far. Every time I create a new project, I struggle with the right settings to ensure a proper transfer between Ayon and Flow.
There always seems to be a some discrepancy with it.

Steps I took:

  1. Created a project in Ayon
  2. Tried to sync with FlowPTR…nothing happened
  3. Created a project in FlowPTR with the same name as in Ayon
  4. Added fields in the info section of the project:
    • code (are the contents of this field supposed to read what it says next to “shotgrid project code field name”?)
    • code name = code?
    • ayon auto sync = checked on
    • ayone server url = url vailue
    • ayon id = project name in ayon
    • ayon project code = project code in ayon (i vaguely remembr reading somwhere that this has a strict rule to not include something…?)
    • ID = whatever id shotgrid gave
  5. input shotgid id in project anatomy

I have followed guides available, including a forum post that was transfered by a conversation I had from the discord server. I guess I’m having trouble pinpointing exactly what little thing is missing…its driving me nuts…

any help is greatly appreciated…

I get this error sometimes:


GraphQL: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/graphql/execution/execute.py:620 (project/folder) C…


GraphQL: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/graphql/execution/execute.py:620 (project/folder) Cannot return null for non-nullable field ProjectNode.folder.

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Okay, so I think I found the culprit…


the last two asset types wont sync up with Ayon.

I’m not sure who made them, but they seem to come in by default on a new project.

Here’s a pic from FlowPTR

and finally one inside Ayon showing which assets came through:

hope this helps others :slight_smile:

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So, I’m still getting strange entity issues within shotgrid/FlowPTR.

I just tried to publish from Maya 2024 a review file (playblast), where I created a review product.

It created a playblast and uploaded it to ayon’s review tools (awesome stuff btw), but isn’t uploading the video to FlowPTR.

I noticed that a screen shot of the model gets uploaded when I publish the model product, but under a generic name:

I wonder why it’s telling

ValueError: Unable to update a non existing entity.

Maybe the entity was not synced from AYON to flow ?

is there a more detailed log that can show exactly which entity it’s referring to?

AYON wise, we have event viewer and docker log.
Flow wise, I don’t know.

Maybe @fabiaserra or @jakub.jezek can help.

hmmm…I currently don’t have access to the docker log, and the Ayon event viewer doesn’t seem to be showing me exactly what I need to fix (at least I don’t think it does).

At the moment, I don’t have access to our ayon_server docker, so I connected my personal test server to our shotgrid account.

I feel like I can’t be the only one who experiences this…though maybe I’m the only inexperienced pipeline person here.

I’m constantly running into things that aren’t mapped properly between Ayon and SG, and am unclear where to adjust in the UI. Below is a log from the Demo animation project that comes with Shotgrid, and I’m trying use this as an example of an “existing project”, to see if it could transfer into Ayon. It seems to be having some issues with the parent folder names (I think), and I’ve tried to add them into the Link Types section in the anatomy, but that doesn’t seem correct.

This is an issue that I’m going to be facing a lot, as our shotgrid may have a bunch of other/custom entities that may not apply to new projects, but it would be cool to be able to get them in here if possible.

2024-09-04 16:20:19 2024-09-04 20:20:19.099 INFO: Running the Handler <module 'sync_projects'>
2024-09-04 16:20:54 2024-09-04 20:20:54.052 INFO: Project demo_animation (demanim) available in SG and AYON.
2024-09-04 16:20:55 2024-09-04 20:20:55.397 INFO: Getting Shotgrid entities.
2024-09-04 16:20:56 2024-09-04 20:20:56.668 ERROR: Unable to process handler sync_projects
2024-09-04 16:20:56 Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-09-04 16:20:56   File "/service/processor/processor.py", line 243, in start_processing
2024-09-04 16:20:56     handler.process_event(
2024-09-04 16:20:56   File "/service/processor/handlers/sync_projects.py", line 34, in process_event
2024-09-04 16:20:56     hub.synchronize_projects(source=sync_source)
2024-09-04 16:20:56   File "/service/ayon_shotgrid_hub/__init__.py", line 277, in synchronize_projects
2024-09-04 16:20:56     match_shotgrid_hierarchy_in_ayon(
2024-09-04 16:20:56   File "/service/ayon_shotgrid_hub/match_shotgrid_hierarchy_in_ayon.py", line 54, in match_shotgrid_hierarchy_in_ayon
2024-09-04 16:20:56     sg_ay_dicts, sg_ay_dicts_parents = get_sg_entities(
2024-09-04 16:20:56                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-09-04 16:20:56   File "/service/utils.py", line 675, in get_sg_entities
2024-09-04 16:20:56     sg_ay_dict = _sg_to_ay_dict(
2024-09-04 16:20:56                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-09-04 16:20:56   File "/service/utils.py", line 119, in _sg_to_ay_dict
2024-09-04 16:20:56     raise ValueError(
2024-09-04 16:20:56 ValueError: Task {'type': 'Task', 'id': 3298, 'sg_status_list': 'fin', 'tags': [], 'project': {'id': 70, 'name': 'demo_animation', 'type': 'Project'}, 'content': 'Rig', 'entity': {'id': 1229, 'name': 'Buck', 'type': 'Asset'}, 'step': None, 'sg_ayon_id': None, 'sg_ayon_sync_status': None, 'sg_fps': None, 'sg_resolution_width': None, 'sg_resolution_height': None, 'sg_pixel_aspect': None, 'sg_clip_in': None, 'sg_clip_out': None, 'sg_frame_start': None, 'sg_frame_end': None, 'sg_handle_start': None, 'sg_handle_end': None, 'start_date': '2016-01-12', 'sg_end_date': None, 'sg_description': None} has no Pipeline Step assigned.
2024-09-04 16:20:56 2024-09-04 20:20:56.675 INFO: Event has been processed... setting to finished!
2024-09-04 16:22:46 Connection timed out.


so your task has no Pipeline Step assigned…
I don’t know yet what does it mean. but, I thought about emphasizing the error.
Maybe it relates to "step": None, not sure.

2024-09-04 16:20:56 ValueError: Task 
    "type": "Task",
    "id": 3298,
    "sg_status_list": "fin",
    "tags": [],
    "project": {
        "id": 70,
        "name": "demo_animation",
        "type": "Project"
    "content": "Rig",
    "entity": {
        "id": 1229,
        "name": "Buck",
        "type": "Asset"
    "step": None,
    "sg_ayon_id": None,
    "sg_ayon_sync_status": None,
    "sg_fps": None,
    "sg_resolution_width": None,
    "sg_resolution_height": None,
    "sg_pixel_aspect": None,
    "sg_clip_in": None,
    "sg_clip_out": None,
    "sg_frame_start": None,
    "sg_frame_end": None,
    "sg_handle_start": None,
    "sg_handle_end": None,
    "start_date": "2016-01-12",
    "sg_end_date": None,
    "sg_description": None
has no Pipeline Step assigned.

anyways, this part in documentation mentions pipeline steps.
does this help ?