Extracting OIIO Transcode arguments

Hello! I’m attempting to do some basic reformatting inside the OIIOtool and having problems with passing along additional arguments. Seems like the args are being passed along in quotations, causing errors. Here’s the last few lines of the Extract OIIO Transcode error (I promise it’s short!):

Invalid option "--fit 4096x1716"

Full command line was:
> oiiotool.exe --nosoftwareattrib --colorconfig Y:/pipeline/ocio/aces_1.3/config.ocio -i:ch=R,G,B Y:/projects/ayon_dev/101/sq001/sh010/work/Comp/renders/nuke/renderCompMain/renderCompMain.1001.exr --ch R=R,G=G,B=B --subimage 0 "--fit 4096x1716" --colorconvert scene_linear "ARRI LogC3 (EI800)" -o C:\\Users\\REECE~1.MUL\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\op_transcoding_mk_921is\\renderCompMain.1001.exr

It doesn’t seem to matter what the additional arguments are, and some quick debugging of the core addon’s extract_color_transcode.py “additional_command_args” returns
DEBUG: command args: ['--fit 4096x1716']
which looks right
Has anyone successfully run a publish with these additional oiio arguments?

Try setting up the arguments in settings as separate entries, so:

  1. --fit
  2. 4096x1716

Similar to how the arguments are broken up here: Tray Publisher publish ACEScg EXR plates with a sRGB JPEG representation - #6 by BigRoy

I think it’s more of “this how it was implemented” than “it’s broken”.
It is also the same situation when adding arguments for applications.

I didn’t mean “broken” as in it’s not working - I meant “broken up” as in, set them as separate entries.

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Ah, a new argument for every word break. That totally works, thanks!