Extract Review resize but not distort (keep aspect ratio)

Hi, Is there a way to make extrack review plugin to perform resizing a product but not distorting it?

now we can specify both width and height preview resolution whitch results in behaivor where if my product is for example 4448x3096 whitch is not 16 by 9 it will generate a 16 by 9 preview whitch will be distorted version of a product.

For now i decide go wo resizing but its a bit painful because sometimes i have 6k and 8k footages whitch will generate same rez preview whitch weight a lot and client dont want to resieve 600mb preview files

I believe if you only configure the width or height but keep the other on 0 it will resize it whilst keeping aspect ratio. Could you show your settings?

Otherwise you may get lucky using the oiiotool transcoder if you want a specific output file but also want to apply some image manipulations. E.g. you could resize to 50% like here: Tray Publisher publish ACEScg EXR plates with a sRGB JPEG representation - #6 by BigRoy

The oiiotool arguments can also resize to a fixed width or height whilst keeping aspect ratio. So it could be a workaround if using 0 in settings does not work.

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would that be possible by modifying extract_review plugin to use oiio instead of ffmpeg ?

I’m not sure if it’s related to the discussion but there’s a TODO in extract_review about calculating width and height.


i dont want it since i want my exr transcods to be in the sourse rez and only mp4 to be resized to 1920*x

That’s exactly what the other topic describes - it transcodes (in that case) to jpeg that is half size as an extra representation. That should be similar for an extra mp4 then, no?

Tagging @jakub.jezek since he knows a lot about these settings

looks similar but how does it connects with mp4? i thought oiio cinverts img to img

For reference

The plugin that from which you took a screenshot is ExtractReview.
in profile settings

  • ayon+settings://core/publish/ExtractReview/profiles

we have two default outputs:

  • png
  • h264

both of them work with the same families review and render
Therefore the plugin picks the output based on additional condition:

keeping the source resolution should be selected by using 0 and 0
There’s also scale pixel aspect, let me quote its tool tip:

Rescale input when it's pixel aspect ratio is not 1. 
Useful for anamorphic reviews.

Also, here’s the docs for this plugin.

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Okey i have onother problem: my redshift render is has 1.799 pixel aspect and OIIO do its thing to converting colors but not preserving info for EXTRACT REVIEW plugin to undistort the image so i’m gettings distorted review(

adding video filters is mostly solves issue but ignored when anamorphic

according to plugin logic it uses the same scale filter so it overrides my own

Hey @timsergeeff, I hope this was helpful and that you’ve solved the issue. For future readers, there’s also a way to add additional arguments to oiiotool, which can be done by adding an additional oiiotool argument for resizing - in the ayon+settings://core/publish/ExtractOIIOTranscode/profiles/0/outputs/0/oiiotool_args settings.

Note that setting the height value to zero will maintain the pixel aspect ratio of the original image. If you need to adjust the anamorphic value, you should do so later in the ExtractReview output FFmpeg arguments.


But oiio tool is not used in Nuke so renders reviews will not use it

You can still use it if you configure the OIIOTranscode plugin profile to catch it. Please could you describe in details your flow:

  • Nuke render resolution WxHxPA (with anamorph baked?)
  • Nuke intermediate baking resolution
  • desired ExtractReview resolution (square pixels)