Doubt about Ayon URL ayon+settings

Hello all,

I have seen people -mostly Ynput’s team- refering to certain settings of the Ayon Server using URLs like: ayon+settings://anatomyPresets/. I think this scheme is fairly self-explanatory, helpful and a nice shorthand to have. I was wondering whether there is a part of the docs where we can read about this topic? I guessed that ayon+settings:// refers to the settings Server Frontend (in my case http://localhost:5000/settings) right? the same way you would have ayon-dashboard:// refer to the dashboard in the Server Frontend (in my case http://localhost:5000/dashboard). I am not familiar to the + syntax in the scheme of an URL and this is by no means my field of expertise, and based on this, I would have intuitively chosen ayon://settings over ayon+settings:// as it is closer to what I see in my web browser. Is this because having just ayon:// may not have been unequivocal as it may have confronted with other ayon products?

Kind regards,

It’s because ayon:// is reserved for ayon entity resolving (it’s an alias for ayon+entity:// URLs). It’s expected in production to be the most-used sort of URI and is preferred to be the shortest.

Also, those URLs are usually copied from the “context” at the top as you’re browsing the server frontend in a web browser.

For example at the top you often see:


Clicking the text shows e.g. the URI for the current location:


As such, no matter the server URL (someone else might be accessing the same server through proxies with a different http:// url they can still put in this URI in their front-end. But it’s just as nice as a URI for e.g. documentation since it’s indepdenent of the server URL itself - so it should usually work quite well for anyone.

Note also that there is a roadmap or idea to register theses URIs to the OS so that e.g. actually opening a ayon:+settings:// URI can be opened by e.g. the AYON launcher executable and could automatically also direct your machine to open the browser at that location. So that these are also direct URIs you can open on your machine.

Not sure if I’m explaining that right and how that would work technically. But that’s how I understood some conversations I have seen here and there.

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Thank you @BigRoy for your nice explanation, I didn’t know you could actually copy-paste them in the Frontend! Having the OS registering those would be great, but knowing that you can copy-paste them into the context is more than enough IMO.

I think your comment could go into the docs with very little editing and many people would make good use out of it :smiley:

URL Shortcuts:
I don’t know much about how it works under the hood.
but from my experience as a user:
we have some shortcuts:

  • ayon+entity:// : that redirects to project entitles (project name, asset name, shot name, …)
  • ayon+anatomy:// : that redirects to project anatomy
  • ayon+settings:// : that redirects to settings (bundle settings, project settings)

you can tell that if there’s a shortcut for the selected thing in AYON if you find the copy icon next to it

has an internal URL doesn't have an internal URL

Again, this was my experience as user so feel free to correct me.

For reference:
The documentation lacks some info about the AYON server.
In my opinion: it happened because we are using the same structure as OpenPype docs therefore we might still need to think where should we add the docs related to AYON server e.g. this one