Custom publish plugin development question

Hi all,

I’ve been diving into the publishing process to make my own publishing plugin. I’ve read all the docs and read through Mustafa’s post about the topic. Just trying to wrap around my head around all the concepts. Most of it I get but especially how to control the flow and order of the publish plugins is still a bit vague to me. I’ve read about the order attribute but it still feels quick abstract.

I’d like to make a publish plugin for Maya that happens right after the extraction of a usd layer. Perhaps do some custom reordering or renaming of primvars. How do I make sure that plugin happens right after the Also some plugins live in different addons but still get called by the publisher when publishing from for example maya.

Finally, my plugin is technically not extracting anything however it does happen during the extraction phase. Does that matter at all or is that merely symantics?

Thanks in advance. Still learning the concepts so bear with me


In this case - since it’s tied to Maya USD Export you may be better of implementing a Maya USD Export chaser or alike and somehow feed that into the extraction process - unless you absolutely need to do it after the export has finished. Using an export chaser you can adjust the output still while it is in memory without needing to read the file again, etc.

The only downside is that you may be writing some logic that is maya-specific and not usd-generic.

Here is an example of a Maya USD export chaser inside AYON: Implement Maya USD Export Chaser to Filter Properties by BigRoy · Pull Request #193 · ynput/ayon-maya · GitHub

And there are some others on my github gists: