Create multiple tasks with given type in the in OP Project Manager

I’m trying to enhance the Project manager and add a Create Tasks from Selection option for the selected Assets.
I realized how to create the tasks, but struggling with assigning the default task type. The tasks are created with default name and empty type. How could I specify the type for the created tasks?

Here’s what currently done: create tasks for selected assets · ynput/OpenPype@109a396 · GitHub

Why not create a single task - select the task, CTRL+C and then select the assets you also want to have the task on, then CTRL+V. Or doesn’t that work anymore?

Anyway, I’m pretty sure that all effort spent in the OP Project Manager will turn useless in 6 months or so due to Ayon replacing it completely with a web-based frontend instead.

Why not create a single task - select the task, CTRL+C and then select the assets you also want to have the task on, then CTRL+V.

Oh, that would be nice if it worked. But I just tried and it didn’t

Anyway, I’m pretty sure that all effort spent in the OP Project Manager will turn useless in 6 months or so due to Ayon replacing it completely with a web-based frontend instead.

Yeah, I’m aware about the PM is abandoned in Ayon. But I feel it would be nice to have this option until the full adoption of Ayon is completed. Which may take a bit longer that 6 months.

Hey, it actually worked!
I just needed to click on the left side of the task line to copy it properly.
PS I still believe having a context menu action for tasks creation would be a great UX addition to the Project manager. Probably, Ayon PM already have that. If not, I would be first to implement it! :slight_smile:

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I believe UX-related queries for Ayon should be going to @Innders so tagging him here to get his experienced opinion on board.

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Btw, I think I have figured out how to set types in current PM too. Types are currently hardcoded, but anyway, nice to have both options! :nerd_face:

Thanks for the tag! @movalex I can’t speak for the desktop PM but in the new AYON web app beta the project manager is now called editor.

You can already do what you are asking for but we would like to take it one step further…

We are planning on building a mass creator tool so in the future this should be a lot easier. For example if you wanted to create 4 task types for all selected folders.

Do you think that would be a useful feature? We want to know from the community what features to focus on.

Either way you have given me an idea of how to fix a different issue we are having, so thanks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Amazing, this is exactly what I have had in my mind. Excellent work, thanks! Also kudos to the mass creator functions, this would be helpful too!