Cannot Find Maya

I have created a new project with only the four following addons:

I cannot get Maya to show up in the launcher though.
It doesn’t show up in the ayon+settings://applications?project=<project name>

I have it installed to my D drive, junctioned to the correct place in my C drive (our pcs have tiny C drives…).
I thought this might be the problem so I updated the path in ayon+settings://applications/applications/maya/variants/1/executables/windows but that hasn’t solved the issue.
I tried to add a new variant with the correct path, but that doesn’t show up as an option in:
ayon+anatomy://<project name>/attributes/applications
It shows the same options even when I delete variants from:

I have pulled latest all packages from github this evening.
Have I missed a step somewhere?

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: The “Show only available applications” checkbox is also available on Studio Settings, at the very far bottom: ayon+settings://applications/only_available - which you may like more than changing per project?

Anyway, aside of that.

The anatomy you’re looking at in that screenshot - is that the Project’s Anatomy, or the Anatomy Presets? Since the screenshot is just that section it’s unclear whether you are in the right or wrong section.

Also, in Tray launcher it may be worthwhile to check Admin > Console to see if there are any errors logged whilst navigating the launcher.

Any application variant added to the Production or Staging bundle should be updated to be included in the list of attributes (it’d need a unique name of course). It should be the case that since a long time this updates live on your server and requires no server restart. But if you’re encountering issues with expected applications not being listed, be sure to just restart your server to cancel a refresh issue out.

By the way, you have very few addons. You may need the Third Party and OCIO addon at least?
That is ayon_third_party and ayon_ocio. However, that should not break applications not being listed - but without those it may be tricky to get reviews out correctly from the hosts. (I have never tested it without those present at least).

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Hey Roy - cheers for the reply.
So I have checked the show only available off and on in both locations to no avail.

The screenshot is of the project anatomy. I tried creating a preset to see if that would reflect the changes but that didn’t work either.

I did multiple server restarts and local cache flushes - with no luck.

I figured it might be that the bundle was in dev mode so set it to production - no luck.

When I made the variant it was named 2024Dev so no conflict there.

I will check the console to see what it says and the server logs.

And yeah I am trying to see how bare bones I can go with the add-ons. This is for game dev so I figured OCIO wouldn’t be relevant. I will include third party just incase that is causing some shenanigans.

This was all working ok like a month ago :frowning:

As far as I know, AYON server gets the apps from applications addon in production bundle even if I’m using my dev bundle.

As far as I know, The applications list in project attributes is populated from production bundle.

So, does updating your production bundle fix it for you ?

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Hey Mustafa - yeah I thought that might be the issue so I made a duplicate bundle and set it to production and it had the same behaviour.
I think I might have to wipe the server install and start again as I have had endless problems from the custom installer not being found, the launcher couldn’t find ayon-core unless I set it to dev and gave it a local path and now this

There is a lot of things mixed up.

First we need to see your application settings for Maya. Can you post the screen of your Maya setup?

Second. You assign applications to projects in project anatomy, not the application project overrides. The options in project settings for the application addon are hidden on purpose.

so the workflow is to set the application paths and variants in the application addon and then assign the variants on project level in project anatomy attribute.

Here is the maya settings from ayon+settings://applications - it only has 2024 + 2025 as options. 2024 is modified to my correct local path:


  "enabled": true,
  "label": "Maya",
  "host_name": "maya",
  "icon": "{}/app_icons/maya.png",
  "environment": "{\n  \"MAYA_DISABLE_CLIC_IPM\": \"Yes\",\n  \"MAYA_DISABLE_CIP\": \"Yes\",\n  \"MAYA_DISABLE_CER\": \"Yes\",\n  \"PYMEL_SKIP_MEL_INIT\": \"Yes\",\n  \"LC_ALL\": \"C\"\n}\n",
  "variants": [
      "name": "2025",
      "label": "2025",
      "environment": "{\n  \"MAYA_VERSION\": \"2025\"\n}",
      "use_python_2": false,
      "executables": {
        "windows": [
          "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\Maya2025\\bin\\maya.exe"
        "linux": [
        "darwin": [
      "arguments": {
        "windows": [],
        "linux": [],
        "darwin": []
      "name": "2024",
      "label": "2024",
      "environment": "{\n  \"MAYA_VERSION\": \"2024\"\n}",
      "use_python_2": false,
      "executables": {
        "windows": [
          "D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2024/bin/maya.exe"
        "linux": [
        "darwin": [
      "arguments": {
        "windows": [],
        "linux": [],
        "darwin": []

Here is the project anatomy ayon+anatomy://<ProjectName>/attributes/applications:



Now I run into the issue where launcher won’t start because it says Ayon-Core does not exist…
which does not appear to be the case:

I can work around this by duplicating the bundle and setting it to dev with a local path:

I can then start the launcher in dev mode but maya is not there as an option:

This is all that is output to the console:

         ▄███▄ ▀██▄ ▀██▀ ▄██▀ ▄██▀▀▀██▄    ▀███▄      █▄
        ▄▄ ▀██▄  ▀██▄  ▄██▀ ██▀      ▀██▄  ▄  ▀██▄    ███
       ▄██▀  ██▄   ▀ ▄▄ ▀  ██         ▄██  ███  ▀██▄  ███
      ▄██▀    ▀██▄   ██    ▀██▄      ▄██▀  ███    ▀██ ▀█▀
     ▄██▀      ▀██▄  ▀█      ▀██▄▄▄▄██▀    █▀      ▀██▄

     ·  · - =[ by YNPUT ]:[ ]= - ·  ·

Addon name        |Version|Initialization|Tray init|Connect modules|Tray menu|Addons start|Total
launcher_tool     |1.0.0  |0.000         |0.427    |0.001          |0.000    |0.000       |0.428
loader_tool       |1.0.0  |0.000         |0.259    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.259
python_interpreter|1.0.0  |0.000         |0.026    |0.000          |0.000    |0.000       |0.026
Total             |(3)    |0.000         |0.711    |0.001          |0.000    |0.000       |0.712

>>> [  Starting WebServer server  ] 

So Maya addon doesn’t even look like it has been downloaded locally :confused:

again solving multiple issues at once. Can you not use dev mode and make it work in production bundle first?

Hey Murphy, I appreciate your help but there are multiple issues being solved at the same time because I am having multiple issues at the same time. It is obviously not my choice to be in this situation and if I could isolate each problem I would but they are kind of related :confused:

If I have a production bundle setup and try and run the launcher normally it says it cannot find core.
If I have a dev bundle setup without a local path assigned to core it says it cannot find core.
The only way to get the launcher to start is to be in dev and assign a local path and then start the launcher in dev.

How can I wipe my server install and all data? I have tried to create a new instance in a different folder but it seems to still launch with existing properties?

t took me 1 minute to setup new version of Maya with custom path without any issue. Just use latest released addon versions and you should be ok.

application 0.2.5
core 0.4.3
maya 0.2.10

launcher 1.0.3

using bleeding edge dev versions of everything is not a good idea . . .

Maybe something is broken, like the addons are not downloaded or the addons are broken

  1. Could you check your the location where AYON downloads the addons?
    does it include the correct version of core addon ?
    on my side (windows) AYON downloads addons to:
    • C:\Users\{my-user-name}\AppData\Local\Ynput\AYON\addons
  2. Assuming AYON succeeded to download the addon as expected, Does your your core addon zip file include client directory ?
    for reference, here’s how it looks like on my side
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Yeah I thought there might be some cache issues so I deleted my Ayon folder to get it to all re-download.
Addons are still empty though:

Trying to roll back to the stable versions that @murphy so kindly suggested - will see if that helps

Interesting, Launcher should download any necessary dependencies on launch.
For reference,

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yeah until this weekend that is what has been happening

So rolling the launcher back to 1.0.3 fixes the issue of not getting addons locally, including all the latest versions.
I guess there is a bug with the latest code in:

Thank you all for the help - this has been a wonderfully frustrating experience and I am glad I had you all to share in the joy :joy:

Now on to figure out why my built installer won’t download from the server:

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