Blender | Rendering and reviewables

Hello everyone hope you are well,

We have only used Ayon pipeline for Nuke at the moment and we are keen to learn how it is meant to be used for Blender.

So far I have managed to make tasks and publish my 3d work. I made a modeling, rig and shading file to test.

There are video previews on the Ayon Website when a Nuke video has been published.

Similarly, we would like a video preview of a turntable of our 3d model to be done every time we publish a Blender scene. We already have this turn scene, is it possible to automate this ?

Thank you for your time and have a good day


Mattia Re

There isn’t a way currently to force a model publish that does not have the turntable setup in the scene to also generate a turntable preview without custom coding an additional extractor plug-in.

However, you are free to create a custom “review” instance which would contain a camera and it’d generate the viewport preview off of that.

I do like the idea that ‘publishing a model’ always comes with a turntable preview - regardless of a separate review instance. Where the “preview” may be generated automatically for you.

Could you share your ‘example turntable scene’? And how did you expect blender or the publish to do it automatically? (Like did you expect it to export the model, then load it into a separate file in the background to generate a preview, or?)

In my opinion automated setups for turntables sound good but in reality it is always good to have artist control over the camera angles and what is actually important to see. In case of environments and large buildings it is not working good.
So having a scene with turntable camera, with all things like lights, rotations, backdrops, render settings is loaded to the scene, checked/adjusted by the artist and published together with model works best imo.
Ofcourse depending on specific project where you are publishing hundreds of similar assets, this can be automated even further. . .

For now you just need to create the Review instance with camera to use

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The best way is to create template blender scene which will be pre occupied with Camera animation turntable + “Review” publish instance and possibly even with “model” publish instance too (so user might put some geo in for publishing).

Then just defining that blend scene as a template file via blender addon’ s setting for Workfile Templates do the trick.

So whenever user launch blender on “modeling” task it will then use that template blender scene as a starting point meaning user might get also the turntable with model publish automatically too…