Batch publishing (ingest)

Hey Santi,

This is exactly the same need I have in my studio and I found the same blockers you did. I mentioned this on the last paragraph of this post of mine Refactoring Houdini integration - #2 by fabiaserra and also more recently here Discord how the TrayPublisher or the existing solutions in OP don’t fit the requirements to provide these flexible workflows to batch ingest a bunch of files programmatically.

Because of that, right now I have written an abstraction of the submit_publish_job plugin so it generates the json file that you need to run the publish in headless mode with some simple inputs. I basically then have a function with an interface like the following:

def publish_version(

And I can now write a separate script that does this fuzzy-matching logic where given a folder, I can parse through that list of files and write the information I need to call this publish_version function and I can wrap this script in a CLI or a UI very easily.

I’m still working on this today and tomorrow and my logic will still be quite specific to my studio but I hope I can clean this up and create a PR soon so others can make use of it

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