Batch publishing (ingest)

Using the backend API that I showed of abstracting the publish_version + submit publish to Deadline functions I have now written an ingest module that basically given a folder on disk, it recursively tries find all the possible “products”/“subsets” that we support and extract the name of the “asset”, “family”, “task”, “subset” and “representation” (and also if you want to override the version that will be used to publish) and then run that function to publish the files so it’s very easy for our editorial team to ingest anything we receive. This is very specific to our studio configuration of OP and naming conventions but I believe this is what @santi was after with this request and the same blockers I was hitting with the TrayPublisher framework. Of course this could be written as a creator plugin in TrayPublisher like the BatchMovieCreator plugin but it was much easier for me to write it this way than framing it into the TrayPublisher and pyblish framework so I’m not limited by that UI and other constrains.


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