Ayon subscriptions features


I have some questions about subscriptions (“Starter” and “Pro”), described here :

If I understood correctly, Ayon’s server (all of it, database, instance, etc…) would be hosted on Ynput.cloud , which is very useful for companies that don’t have enough IT knowledge (that’s our case).

So, instead of having a community on-prem Docker server, we would have a server with these characteristics :

  • Hosted on Ynput.cloud (Database and Server Instance).
  • Native installation (my way of saying it is not Docker).
  • https access (instead of Docker’s http-only that we currently have).

Is all of the above correct ?

Also, instead of our current method of updating the server (“docker compose pull”), a “Starter” or “Pro” subscription would mean all updates would be done by Ayon’s team, in Update waves or a 3 months window (as seen on your pricing page). Is that correct ?

And what would happen to our current “addon update process” : Addon Market, Bundles, Set Production, “Copy settings from another bundle”.
Is it something that would also be handled by Ayon’s team ? (we would prefer to keep handling that part ourself)

And who would be managing the updates of the Dependency Packages ? (currently it is the WebApp’s Update Pipeline entry)


Hi Alain.

You’re correct in most accounts.

  • Hosted on Ynput.cloud (Database and Server Instance).
  • Native installation (my way of saying it is not Docker).
  • https access (instead of Docker’s http-only that we currently have).

All true. The installation runs in our kubernetes clusters depending on the plan you get, either autoscaling with high availability, or in a simpler, but still very robust setup.

You also get: mailing and sso working out of the box, which is quite important.

We deal with the server updates and always get in touch before we updated anything to make sure you are ready.

Anything that you normally handle inside AYON application, like addons from market, custom addons, bundles, settings and so on it fully handled by you still. We provide support service for that too, but that’s a completely separate service.

Dependency packages work the same as on prem. We provide the official one via “update pipeline” and soon also selectively via market. Or you can upload your own of course.

As a bonus you get our gratitude for supporting AYON financially ;).


Thanks !
Now I just need to convince the financial officer.
Note that “just” is in bold :wink:

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Calculate how much time, you’ve spent keeping the server updated and running and backed up and monitored… Multiply by your hourly, double to compensate for the nerves it causes and you might very well arrive at similar numbers compared to the subscription :).

But in all seriousness, if AYON saves each artist at least 1 hour per month, then it should be worth the money. If it doesn’t, then there’s no point in using it anyways.

Indeed !

On the Pro subscription, it seems we have a choice :

€15 per extra active user
€23 “Pay as you go” Users (coming soon)

What is the difference between an active user and a “Pay as you go” user ?

Active users apply to the quarterly or yearly billing. Usually used for the stable core teams.

Pay as you go is not yet available but should be from 2025. It will allow extra ad-hoc people to be billed monthly based on their real usage. Pretty much like slack. Primarily aimed at freelancers. You will be able to assign this type of license to a bunch of users and if they connect within a month, you will be charged for them, if they don’t connect, you won’t be.

It is also possible to mix and match the periods. For instance the reality of production often looks similar to this.

  • 20 full time staff members can be on a yearly subscriptions to save some money.
  • 10 extra project specific artists can be added on a quarterly basis for the duration of a project
  • 9 more freelancers can consume monthly pay as you go licenses for spikes before the deadline

To keep informations in the same place, here is a screenshot of another discussion with Milan, on the same subject :

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