πŸš€ AYON Server 1.5.2 - Task Progress Enhancements

:mag: New Search and Filter tool

Searching and filtering is now easier and more powerful with the new top search bar, providing useful suggestions based on your tasks and context.


Quickly build advanced filters that remain easy to understand.

You can try the new filtering bar on the Task Progress page and we will be rolling it out to other pages soon!

Search and filtering documentation: Task Progress Page | AYON Docs

:ballot_box_with_check: Task Progress Improvements

We’ve made several quality-of-life improvements to the Task Progress page, including a larger folder thumbnail when expanding a row.

These updates are based on user feedback, so thank you for trying it out and helping us improve!

:gear: Settings Drag and Drop Reordering

Reordering items in settings is now much easier and more intuitive with drag-and-drop functionality.

:bell: Notification Tweaks

  • Status change messages in the inbox now appear only in the β€œOther” tab, based on feedback that the β€œImportant” tab was becoming crowded with these notifications.

  • Setting yourself as a watcher on a task now automatically applies to all previous and future versions linked to the task.

:open_book: Resources

FE Changelog: ynput/ayon-frontend
BE Changelog: ynput/ayon-backend

:robot: Try 1.5.2 Now

:warning: Please always backup your server before making upgrades!

Inside docker-compose.yml:

    image: ynput/ayon:latest

Inside ayon-docker directory run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --build --detach

:muscle: Thank you for all the feedback!

:green_heart: Love, The Ynput Team :green_heart:

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