🚀 AYON Server 1.4.2 - Emoji Reactions & Pipeline Updater

Here’s what’s new in 1.4.2

:heart: Emoji Reactions

Communicating quickly without cluttering the feed can be tricky. That’s where reactions come in handy, offering an easy way to express your thoughts instantly.

You can now respond to any comment with five different emojis!

:+1: :-1: :heart: :tada: :memo:

It’s a small update, but we hope it not only enhances communication but also adds a bit of fun and personality to your conversations!

Documentation: Activity Feed Reactions | AYON Docs

(pssst, devs… the API lets you add any emoji type to a comment! :shushing_face:)

:gear: Update Pipeline Tool

We heard your feedback, updating the pipeline felt complex, especially with the need to go through bootstrapping.

The new Update Pipeline Tool streamlines this by using your current configuration and allowing easy additions of new addons or launchers.

It installs the latest tested addons, desktop installers, and dependencies in the background, ensuring no disruption to your team. Once complete, you can test the new bundle before rolling it out to production.

For an even smoother experience, pair it with the Settings Migration Tool. Settings Migration Tool

:open_book: Resources

FE Changelog: Release 20240923 · ynput/ayon-frontend · GitHub
BE Changelog: Release 1.4.2 · ynput/ayon-backend · GitHub

:robot: Try 1.4.2 Now

Inside docker-compose.yml:

    image: ynput/ayon:latest

Inside ayon-docker directory run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --build --detach

:hugs: A Big Thank You!

We can never thank our amazing community enough for your continued contributions and support.

:green_heart: Love, The Ynput Team :green_heart: