🚀 AYON Server 1.4.0 - Task Progress Page

:white_check_mark: Task Progress Tracking

Introducing the Task Progress page, a new way to get a clear overview of your entire project’s status.

This highly visual tool allows you to instantly track the progression of tasks within your project.

:art: Visual Tracking

We’ve designed the Task Progress page for visual clarity, with prominent status colors to give you an instant overview. The expand mode shows both the status and thumbnails of tasks, providing a quick, visual snapshot of your project’s progress.

:office_worker: Task Management

It’s not just about viewing progress, it’s also about managing it. With a single click, you can update task statuses or reassign tasks instantly, keeping your workflow seamless and efficient.

:muscle: Efficient Workflows

Multiselection is initiative and powerful.

:arrow_forward: Context Aware

Need more details? Simply double-click on a task to open its details panel without leaving your current view.

You can even directly access reviewables by pressing spacebar on any task.

Showcase Video

:open_book: Resources

Docs: Task Progress Page | AYON Docs
FE Changelog: ynput/ayon-frontend
BE Changelog: ynput/ayon-backend

:technologist: Feedback

We would love to hear your feedback on the Task Progress page!

:robot: Try 1.4.0 Now

Inside docker-compose.yml:

    image: ynput/ayon:latest

Inside ayon-docker directory run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --build --detach

:hugs: A Big Thank You!

As always, we greatly appreciate our wonderful community for your continued contributions and support.

:green_heart: Love, The Ynput Team :green_heart: