🚀 AYON Server 1.3.0 - Reviewables

Upload, View, Review

:rocket: Here’s what’s new in 1.3.0

:arrow_forward: Reviewables

Reviewables simplify and enhance the review process by allowing multiple uploads to a version, ensuring every detail is visible.

This enables comprehensive reviews of complex work, such as examining a model in different lighting or viewing close-up details of a large environment.

  • Upload videos (mp4) and images to a version from the web app.
  • View and manage reviewables in the files tab.
  • Upload videos in any format using the auto-transcoder included with Ynput Cloud

:eye: Web Viewer

A new lightning-fast viewer for playing back reviewables, switching between versions, and leaving feedback.

  • Quickly view the latest reviewable by clicking any thumbnail or pressing the spacebar.
  • Near instant loading with optimized video streaming.
  • Compare changes by switching back and forth between versions.
  • Leave comments and feedback for each version.
  • Full playback keyboard support and seamless timeline scrubbing.

:open_book: Resources

Docs: Reviewables | AYON Docs
FE Changelog: Release 20240718 · ynput/ayon-frontend · GitHub
BE Changelog: Release 1.3.0 · ynput/ayon-backend · GitHub

:robot: Try 1.3.0 Now

Inside docker-compose.yml:

    image: ynput/ayon:latest

Inside ayon-docker directory run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --build --detach

:hugs: A Big Thank You!

We can never thank our amazing community enough for your continued contributions and support.

:green_heart: Love, The Ynput Team :green_heart: