Ayon Reviewables auto upload

The Ayon reviewables system introduced in 1.3 is really cool, and while we couldn’t move to it for shot reviews just yet, it’s already brilliant for assets.

What we’d love is a way to tag an Extract Review profile for auto upload in the same manner as ftrackreview and shotgridreview, but for Ayon server reviewables. Requiring artists to browse through the project hierarchy for a drag-and-drop seems inefficient.

Is this something that’s already in the works?

Thank you!
it’s webreview actually.
and I’ve just added it to the Docs.

Just want to note - this should actually be in the default settings too; but you may have not ‘received’ those if you had local setting overrides that you copied over it again.

See that noted :memo: at the top of ayon-core release 0.4.3.

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That’s fantastic, thanks guys!
I’ve just reset to pretty much default settings now to cover the many improvements to the defaults

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