Ayon Python API 1.0.0 broke upload with API key

Running the following command ./tools/make.sh upload --server <your server> --api-key <your api> on the Ayon Launcher no longer works if using the api 1.0.0. Using 0.5.4 version works fine for me but with 1.0.0 I get the following error:

Usage: AYON-uploader upload [OPTIONS]
Try 'AYON-uploader upload --help' for help.

Error: Invalid value for api-key: API key is not valid. Provide valid API key, or username and password.

I gave it a test and faced the same error

My ayon server version: 1.0.0+202401162208
My ayon launcher version: 1.0.1-dev.1


  1. Build and create launcher
    tools/manage.ps1 build
    tools/manage.ps1 make-installer
  2. upload launcher via api (raised the same error as yours)
    tools/manage.ps1 upload --server <my-ayon-server-url> --api-key <my-api-key>
  3. upload launcher via providing user name and password (worked fine)
    tools/manage.ps1 upload --server <my-ayon-server-url> --username <my-admin-username> --password <my-admin-password>