Hi there! I want to define custom events and trigger them via the Post Event API of Ayon and then also listen to them using the Enroll Event API.
Let’s say I use this json for Post Event
"topic": "media.import",
"sender": "service-processor-01",
"hash": "string3",
"project": "MyProject",
"dependsOn": "69dd9b85a522fcedc14203ea95f54f52",
"description": "Importing file 3 of 10",
"summary": {},
"payload": {},
"finished": true,
"store": true,
"reuse": false
And then to enroll I use
"sourceTopic": ["media.import"],
"targetTopic": "listen.to.media.import",
"sender": "service-processor-01",
"senderType": "worker",
"description": "listen to custom event",
"sequential": true,
"ignoreOlderThan": 0,
"slothMode": false
If I call the Enroll Event using Postman for example I always get this result
"code": 403,
"detail": "Only services can enroll for jobs"
Why is that? Do I need to create a new custom service? how?Is it not enough that I specify a sender when I use the Post Event