🤖 AYON Pipeline - Web Launcher Actions

:loudspeaker: New Update Alert: Web Launcher Actions!

We’re excited to announce our new feature: Web Launcher Actions! This feature allows you to launch applications directly through the AYON web server without the need to use the desktop launcher, making your workflow smoother.

:rocket: Key Features:

  • Direct Launch: Access and launch applications directly via the AYON web server.

  • Customizable: Web actions are generated from your application’s definitions and adhere to your application’s filter settings in your production or development bundles, based on your developer mode setting.

:mag: How to Access:

  • Details Panel: Access available web actions through the details panel.

:books: Resources:

  • Admin Information: Learn more about managing applications and web actions here.

  • Developer Guide: Check out a simple web action example to start developing your own web actions.

:sparkles: We believe this feature will enhance your experience and look forward to seeing how you use it! :sparkles:

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