🤖 AYON Pipeline - Motion Builder Addon


Motionbuilder Addon - 0.1.1

The AYON Integration Addon for Autodesk MotionBuilder. It provides access to standard AYON tools such as the workfiles tool. It also enables the publishing of various FBX products to the AYON pipeline and supports loading different product types from AYON, enhancing your production workflow.

Get the Addon

Dive into our Addon market where you can get official MotionBuilder Addon release.

Alternatively, Access the releases directory from ayon-motionbuilder GH releases directly.

Get Started

Once you’ve included the MotionBuilder addon in your bundle, configure it in the application settings. The MotionBuilder app icon will then appear in the AYON launcher. Launch the app, and you’ll find the AYON Menu readily accessible.

Looking for further info?

Head up to the Artist and Admin documentation pages to learn more about AYON’s Motion Builder integration! :books: