🚀 AYON Pipeline - Application & Tools settings

Applications Addon - 1.0.0

Hello everyone!
We’re excited to announce an update to our Applications addon, we have introduced a new way to configure your Studio and Projects Applications and Tools.
Previously set in Project’s anatomy, they are now defined by in the applications addon’s settings.

Apart from feeling more natural, this move has enabled some long requested features, and solved some challenges with staging:

  • Studio Settings: Being able to define your applications in the studio settings will help you update or extend them without going over all your projects.
  • Filter Profiles: Using filter profiles to enable applications and tools gives you the control over which is available on given projects, task, or task name.
  • Filters Follow Bundles: When using a staging bundle, your applications and tools are now actually staged too, so you can test their configuration without affecting all users.

Application Filtering:

Tools Filtering:

You will find all the information, along with examples, in the detailed documentation page :books:

:warning: Deprecating Attributes

Please note that the legacy anatomy attributes for applications and tools are now deprecated and won’t be supported in future versions of applications addon.

You will find a toggle in the applications addon to switch between legacy and current behavior.
By default, the new behavior is active, but that is automatically changed to use legacy if your AYON had previously installed the application addon.
This gives you the opportunity upgrade the addon today while migrating your configuration when you are ready to do so :peace_symbol:

Still, you should migrate your configuration as soon as possible! :zap:

:green_heart: Credits

This is the result of a great collaborative work between our pipeline and server teams.
The Setting Migration Tool has been instrumental in achieving an even better administration workflow.
Congrats to @iLLiCiT for pushing for it, directing it, implementing and documenting a big part of it :trophy:

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This is a fantastic feature !

It would be nice to add in the doc, that a given task type cannot be present in more than one profile (only the first one will be enforced).


Example that doesn’t work (that’s the one I tried first, as it allows to easily change the apps version in a single place) :

Task Types : Modeling, Surfacing	Allow : Selected	Applications : Blender
Task Types : Surfacing				Allow : Selected	Applications : Substance Painter

Scheme : for each application, what are the task types available.
Problem : only the first profile is enforced for Surfacing (so, Substance Painter is never allowed).


Example that works all right :

Task Types : Modeling			Allow : Selected	Applications : Blender
Task Types : Surfacing			Allow : Selected	Applications : Blender, Substance Painter

Scheme : for each task type, what are the applications available.


Thanks for pointing that out.

Just wanted to link this discord thread where potentially other future approaches for this came up - and it touches close to what I suspect you tried to do there.


Thank you for your insights. I’ve created an issue for updating the applications docs Add tip to Applications & Tools doc about filtering · Issue #295 · ynput/ayon-documentation · GitHub

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