AYON pipeline 2023.8.0 & server 0.4.1

AYON pipeline 2023.8.0

Say hello to the first AYON release that we consider production beta. Compared to the early access there are few key points to note about this release.

  • It is the first release that has near feature parity on the pipeline side, compared to latest OpenPype
  • It features brand new AYON launcher, which is a replacement for the old OpenPype igniter application. And is the only thing that needs to be installed on the artist workstation.

AYON Server 0.4.1+2308241427

This release most importantly makes it really easy to deploy and setup AYON server. After deploying the server you can use Ynput Connect button that will guide you through the whole process and automatically download all the addons, launchers and dependency packages for all platforms. No need for any manual installation.

It also features many improvements on the backend and frontend. At the moment, they really are too many to actually list, so give it a shot and play :slight_smile:

As of this release, the data model can be considered as stable. There might be some minor tweaks and additions between now and version 1.0, but from now till final release, we’ll primarily focus on stability and robustness, rather than changing things around, as we could afford for the past months.


You can follow a guide in this separate topic.

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